BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!



Photo service provider "Yes Cheese! has launched an "online nursery school" that you can participate in at home.

Sen Corporation (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Nobuaki Chiba, President & CEO), a provider of "Yes Cheese! (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Nobuaki Chiba), which provides photo services for kindergartens, nursery schools, elementary schools, and other educational institutions, as well as sports groups, corporations, and other organizations, and sells photos on the Internet, has announced an emergency ...

Product Introduction

Supporting child-rearing with "Big Data Analysis! Papatte Childcare @ Baby Notebook

Even in today's families, where the number of dual-earner households has increased, the burden of childcare still tends to fall heavily on mothers. Especially during the infant period, when crying at night is common, many mothers hardly get enough sleep to take care of their children. However, fathers are not aware of this situation, and they find themselves in a situation where they are the only one who can take care of the baby...