
Smart devices and native apps, mainly from overseas startups and products listed on crowdfunding.


【β版参加者募集中!】ドライブをもっとワクワク楽しいものに!親子で楽しめる「ポニット ポケットアドベンチャー」

車でのお出掛けは、目的地に行くためのものでありますが、その道のりが楽しければ、さらに外出の充実度がアップしますよね。株式会社キッズスターとトヨタ自動車株式会社が共同で開発を進めている「ポニット ポケットアドベンチャー」は...


Creating a society where childcare workers can work more comfortably. ChiReaff Space®" supports childcare tailored to each child's needs with the power of IT.

Child care workers spend time with children for working parents. It is a rewarding profession to be involved in the growth of children, but on the other hand, their hard work has been called into question. They arrive at the school earlier than the children in the morning to begin preparations and spend time with the children during the day, and the children...


What we want to protect is the safety of children and the peace of mind of their parents. The appeal of the CuboAi Plus, a highly functional little bird-shaped smart baby monitor

CuboAi Plus is a surveillance monitor that keeps children safe at night when parents are out of sight or out of mind. Inside the cute little bird form, in addition to face recognition cover prevention and turn-over alert, it also features a high-performance camera to capture sleeping faces. The world-renowned C...