icuco," which shares data on children's physical conditions and creates an environment where everyone can raise children together

Points of this service
  • Not only can you watch your child nap, but you can also measure their temperature and share it with their parents via a special app.
  • Visualizing" children's physical condition data and facilitating communication between mothers and fathers
  • The aim is to use the service at daycare centers as a gateway to "sitter services" and "home

Currently, the genre of "noon sleep monitoring" is attracting the most attention in the domestic baby tech industry. Various manufacturers have entered the market with their own unique methods, and they are being introduced one after another in nursery schools across the country with great results. Under such circumstances, "icuco", which will enter the field of "nap-sleep monitoring" on a full-scale basis in April 2020, may be said to be a latecomer to the service. The editorial department of interviewed Mr. Yoichi Yanase, Representative Director of wkwk Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "wkwk"), the developer of "icuco". The editorial department of interviewed Mr. Yoichi Yanase, the representative director of wkwk, who developed "icuco", and asked him about the outline of the service, the development process, and the future development.

Mr. Yanase, the developer of icuco

(Interviewed by.)
Representative Director, wkwk Co.
Yoichi Yanase


Share your child's physical condition (temperature) with their parents in real time

Editor:Let's start with an overview of "icuco" and its features.

Yanase: "icuco" is a service that monitors the condition of children during nap time, checking their breathing and reducing the burden on nursery staff. Day-care workers check the sleeping posture of children every five minutes, and this service supports the so-called "noon sleep monitoring" work.

icuco checks and records sleep posture and breathing of a child during nap

Yanase: Up to this point, what icuco aims to do is to create an environment where everyone can share the child's physical condition and raise the child together. For this purpose, icuco's sensors not only check sleep posture, breathing and heartbeat, but also monitor body temperature and notify when the temperature becomes high. This enables childcare workers to prevent, for example, a sudden rise in body temperature of a child who is napping from triggering (heat cramps). Parents also want to know the health information of their children. That's why we provide a service that allows parents to view changes in sleep time and body temperature while their child is at daycare using a smartphone application.