【BabyTech Award Japan 2019】Smile Seminar Infant Course

Services and products nominated for the BabyTech Award Japan 2019.
From the Learning and Play category, Smile Zemi Infant Course.

service name

Smile Seminar Early Childhood Course

Name of company/organization

Just System Corporation

Application Category

Learning and Playing


This is a distance learning service for young children that allows children from youngest to oldest to learn the 10 areas they need to acquire before entering primary school, all on a single tablet.
Taking advantage of the unique characteristics of tablets, the service incorporates a structure that enables young children to engage in their learning and to advance their learning independently and in a well-balanced manner.
For a monthly fee, courses in 10 fields of study according to their stage of development are delivered monthly to the dedicated learning tablet.

Development process, issues addressed

Parents of young children are often concerned that they do not know what and how much to expect their children to learn by the time they enter primary school.
In addition, it is said that appropriate supervision is effective in motivating learning, but the reality is that it is difficult in practice even if they want to stay by their side and watch them study all the time.
With a desire to provide the best learning environment for young children and their parents, we have thoroughly researched the characteristics of young children and launched a distance learning service utilising digital and cloud technologies that enable young children to learn on their own.

web site


BabyTech Editor's Comment

It is an all-in-one educational material that delivers 10 fields of study that preschoolers should learn before entering elementary school on a single tablet. The content and the hardware of the tablet are designed to make learning fun for preschoolers.

I think that tablets will evolve from a standardized use to a more appropriate use for solving problems. It's like a "learning tablet" or a "music tablet. The evolution and innovation of hardware has a big impact on the baby tech scene, so I'm looking forward to seeing the trend of content on top of sharp hardware in the future.