BTA2024 award-winning products announced

BabyCam Awareness Survey, What Appliances Make Housework Easier for Moms? The three sacred appliances of child-rearing households are highly rated, with more than half of those who own one saying, "It's by far the easiest! and more than half of those who own one say, "It is by far the easiest!

- The following is from a press release - We asked a group of mothers about the use of robot vacuum cleaners, drum-type washing machines, dishwashers, and other home appliances that make housework easier....

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Let's have a fun and fulfilling time for both moms and kids with "meimei," a search application for stores with childcare services! |With IT enthusiast mom Ogamari's BabyTech!

Hello! My name is Ogamari. I have been exposed to a variety of products and services through "With BabyTech," and I felt like "I want to make something, too! I have been exposed to a variety of products and services through "With BabyTech" and I have been thinking, "I want to make something too! This time, I would like to take the liberty of introducing my app, "meime...


Mirabo adds "New Corona Vaccine" for infants and children to the "Childcare Mobile" vaccination AI scheduler, a child-rearing support application. Automatically adjusts vaccination intervals with other vaccinations.

- The following is from a press release - Mirabo, Inc. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Kazuya Tanikawa; hereinafter "Mirabo"), a developer of services for local governments, has announced that its child-rearing support application "Kosodate Mobile" immunization...