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Mirabo adds "New Corona Vaccine" for infants and children to the "Childcare Mobile" vaccination AI scheduler, a child-rearing support application. Automatically adjusts vaccination intervals with other vaccinations.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Kazuya Tanigawa; hereinafter "Mirabo"), a developer of services for local governments, has added "New Corona Vaccine" to the vaccination AI scheduler of its child-rearing support application "Kosodate Mobile," and will begin providing the service sequentially to users of the service in local governments that have introduced "Kosodate Mobile" from November 10, 2022. The new service will be available to local governments and service users of "Kosodate Mobile" from November 10, 2022.

Immunization AI Scheduler and New Corona Vaccine

Following the sequential start of official vaccination of children from February 2022 and new corona vaccine for children aged 6 months to 4 years from late October 2022, we have added "new corona vaccine" to the vaccination AI scheduler of our child-rearing support application "Kosodate Mobile".
Our patented immunization AI scheduler is a function that creates custom-made immunization and health checkup schedules according to the date of birth and conditions of each municipality. The new functionality allows for the optional addition of the "new corona vaccine" to new or existing schedules, and automatic adjustment of the interval between vaccinations.

Background of Enhancement

We have been preparing to provide this service as soon as possible in response to requests from local government officials who are currently using Child Care Mobile to support their children who are anxious about the addition of new vaccines in the face of continuing unforeseen circumstances.
Mirabo will continue to proactively incorporate the needs of local government officials and parents raising children in order to improve its services. Through "Kosodate-mobile" and other services, Mirabo will continue to contribute to the creation of more livable and child-rearing-friendly communities.

Original child-rearing support application "Kosodate Mobile" created by local communities

Kosodate Mobile" is a child-rearing support application that combines an electronic mother-child handbook, child-rearing support services, and AI functions.
It is possible to customize functions by selecting and adding the necessary functions to the base application, as well as to customize the design with original colors and illustrations. The system is scheduled to be introduced to approximately 300 municipalities, and is being used by many child-rearing generations.

Original design and function customization for each municipality
Just as the cover and inside pages of conventional maternal and child health handbooks are created with original designs, this application can be customized freely with overall theme colors, icons for each function, illustrations, etc. The name and icons of the application itself can also be changed. The name and icon of the application itself can also be changed, so it can be provided to local residents as an application unique to the municipality.

Patented! Immunization AI Scheduler with Automatic Reminders
By creating custom-made immunization and health checkup schedules according to the date of birth and the requirements of each municipality, the system reduces the burden on parents and prevents vaccination accidents. The schedule is updated by an automatic adjustment system in the event of midstream changes, such as vaccination schedule or number of vaccinations.

Main features
Electronic Maternity Record Book
Vaccination AI Scheduler *Patented
Information on child-rearing in the region Published in
E-mail delivery and push notification
Online Reservations and Acceptance
Baby food service and allergy check *Patented
Search Medical Facilities
Search for childcare facilities
Distribution of useful information on child-rearing (in collaboration with NPO Himawari no Kai "Maternal and Child Health Handbook App")
Multilingual translation (more than 100 languages)
Online Survey
Adult medical checkup scheduler (can also manage parents' medical checkup schedules together)
Other optional features available

For municipalities considering introducing the "Kosodate Mobile" childcare support application
Individual information sessions are also available at any time, so please feel free to contact us for more information.

TEL: 03-6821-8600, Childcare Mobile, Mirabo Inc.
Contact us:
Request information:

 About Mirabo, Inc.

Company name: Mirabo Inc.
... U R L:
Location: Stella Ochanomizu Bldg. 8F, 4-1-2 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Kazuya Tanigawa, Representative Director
Established: December 2013

Mirabo's company name is derived from "Mirai × labo (labo).
Our basic philosophy is to "contribute to society" by "creating a future that doesn't exist here and now,
We develop advanced systems, mainly AI, and sell consumer version solution products.

Parenting Contents Business
Deployment of "Kosodate Mobile", a child-rearing support application, to approximately 300 municipalities. We are promoting Municipal DX in collaboration with Japan's first vaccination AI scheduler (patented), electronic mother-child handbook, municipal counter reservation system, etc.

Form Design Business: "+Focus" electronic application system
Adopted by the Cabinet Secretariat's MyNaportal, and distributed to municipalities nationwide using MyNumber cards.
We are promoting electronic applications at municipal offices.

Solution business for government and municipalities
Corona Vaccination Record System" and "New Corona Vaccination Certificate App."
We develop systems that meet the needs of public offices and municipalities.

 *Company names and product names mentioned in this press release are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.