[Part 2] Japanese translation of UNICEF's tips for raising children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection explosion at DeepL translation

UNICEF (UNICEF: UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND) HAS PUBLISHED "TIPS FOR RAISING CHILDREN AT HOME DURING THE COVID-19 INFECTION EXPLOSION".DeepL translationThis is the second part of an article that I translated into Japanese using (Therefore, there is a possibility that there are some translation errors. Please let us know if you notice any.
Click here for Part 1

Original article UNICEF:Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

4. when someone behaves badly

All children misbehave. It's normal when a child is tired, hungry, scared, or learning to be independent. And it can drive us crazy when they get stuck at home.

( Click here for a WHO poster on the same subject in English )


Catch bad behaviour early and redirect your child's attention from bad behaviour to good behaviour.
Try not to initiate bad behaviour before it starts. If your child starts to get restless, distract them with something interesting or fun." Now, let's go for a walk outside!"

take a rest

Do you feel like screaming, give yourself a 10 second pause, slowly inhale and exhale 5 times. Then try responding in a calmer way. Millions of parents have found this method to be helpful.

Take advantage of poor results (editor's note: seems to mean bullying or loss)

Teasing helps to teach our children responsibility for what they do. It also allows for controlled discipline. This is more effective than hitting or yelling.

Give the child a choice whether or not to follow your instructions before warning them.
Try to remain calm when administering punishment. For example, it is difficult to take away a teenager's mobile phone for a week, but it is more practical to take it away for an hour.
When the admonition is over, give the child a chance to do something good and praise them.
One-to-one time, praise for good behaviour and a consistent routine will reduce bad behaviour.

Give your kids and teens simple jobs that they can be responsible for. Just make sure it's something they can do. And praise them when they can.