BabyTech Award Japan 2019] Lukumi Thermometer

Services and products nominated for the BabyTech Award Japan 2019.
From the Children's Health Care category, Luxmy Thermometer.

service name

Luqme thermometer

Name of company/organization

Unifa Corporation

Application Category

Children's Health Care


The "Lukumi Thermometer" is a service that greatly reduces the time required for daily temperature checks, and at the same time allows anyone to quickly detect changes in children's body temperatures.

At the nursery school, we routinely take the temperatures of the children about twice a day, mainly using a side thermometer, and record the results on a temperature chart by hand. It takes about 30 seconds to take and record the temperature of each child twice a day, but since this is a daily task and each child needs to be attended to individually, there are some negative effects, such as not being able to watch over children who are not having their temperatures taken.

In order to reduce the time required to take and record temperatures, we developed a non-contact thermometer equipped with Bluetooth and a dedicated system that can automatically record temperatures. With this system, the time required to take and record a single temperature can be reduced to about five seconds.

web site

BabyTech Editor's Comment

Monitoring devices such as thermometers require a surprising amount of time and effort to prepare for use and, in the case of infants, psychological resistance (they don't listen (lol)). The impact of reducing the time required to check and record temperature from 30 seconds to 5 seconds is not small.