Galore" for searching children's activities in one place
While browsing CrunchBase, I learned about a service called "Galore" that allows you to search a list of locally based activities for children. It is a San Francisco startup. Galore - kids...
While browsing CrunchBase, I learned about a service called "Galore" that allows you to search a list of locally based activities for children. It is a San Francisco startup. Galore - kids...
Monsieur Mamma, "Monsieur Monsieur," a special pillow for babies, thank you! Functional Pillow to Protect Babies from Heat A baby-tech product is raising funds on the crowdfunding site "Makuake". As of 1:00 p.m. on June 1, when this article is written, chi...
Free Childcare Support App "Vaccination Scheduler" Has Been Downloaded More Than 1.2 Million Times I knew there was an app for a mother-child handbook, but I didn't know there was an app for scheduling vaccinations. A pediatrician organization, the "NPO...
This series introduces the winners of the 2018 BabyTech Award. Following on from the previous installment on tytohome, this installment introduces BlueSmart mia, a smart baby bottle. ...
TytoHome, a service that provides telemedicine, was featured in the 2018 BabyTech Awards. High Tech Healthy Baby: TytoHome TytoHome's service...
It is a concept similar to BabyTech. We propose "Child-rearing Tech™️", which is child-rearing x Technology, and we believe that using IT and technology in child-rearing will realize the following. ==What is "Child Rearing Tech™️" ========...
A very exciting article was published. The company's core business is security, followed by AI (artificial intelligence). Security and AI are needed because of the services they provide. We have been searching for a service that brings the IoT to life..."
On March 26, 2008, Mama Square Inc. announced that it has raised approximately 200 million yen in financing. The underwriter is Daiwa House Industry Co. The company operates "Mama Square," Japan's first working space with kids' space. In the future...
So much for baby tech. This is interesting. Talking tape "Smart Sitter"|sherrive-official This is a smart device that can figure out when to change a baby's diaper. It is a smart device that detects the ...
Baby Sensor IBUKI PLUS for Nursery Schools The Baby Sensor IBUKI PLUS for Nursery Schools is designed to help those who are concerned about decreased breathing rates due to infants sleeping on their stomachs and those who suffer from sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) to sleep peacefully...
Amazon, too, appears to be committing to the smart home concept one step deeper. Ecobee, a Toronto, Canada-based smart thermostat company, announced on April 7 that it has received $62 million from the Alexa Fund, an investment fund led by Amazon...
Put it in your mouth and in just 10 seconds you're brushing your teeth. Hyper Kids Toothbrush solves the problem of tooth brushing. I want one of these.... I would love to have one of these... Brushing teeth takes a lot of skill, doesn't it? I don't seem to be very skilled at brushing my teeth, and I don't have the time to brush carefully...
I like this kind of thing, I do. I also like the naming. The "Poop Button" is an easy-to-use button that you can press to record your baby's poop and pee, which is indispensable for baby health management! What "Poop Button" can do The "Poop Button" is a button to record baby's poop and pee...
Parenting Application "Smile Kurinavi!" has begun distribution, according to the company. In February 2018, we will start distributing a smartphone application that supports child-rearing, "Smile Kurinavi! application for smartphones to support child-rearing will begin distribution in February 2018. The information to be distributed will include information on childcare support may...
Interactive AI Robot Demonstration Experiment at Kyoto City Zoo "Talk to and Train" It appears that this is the world's first demonstration experiment using this technology. The following is a quote. AI technology for chatting and question-and-answer sessions and two-way interaction Two robots are used, with one robot giving a cue and the other two...
This is a thought that occurred to me when I saw this press release. MAMA MASK", a baby-friendly product developed in collaboration with working mothers, will go on sale on January 25, 2018 ●"MAMA MASK" product overview Product name: "MAMA MASK"...