BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!


Business Trends

Codomon, Global Kids, Benesse Corporation, and BABY JOB collaborate. Started demonstration experiments of online childcare, etc., and material support such as masks, disinfectants, etc.

(Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Yoshinori Koike), in preparation for the risk of a prolonged emergency situation caused by the new coronavirus, is collaborating with various parties involved in the education and care of children to create a "Children's Education and Childcare...


Photo service provider "Yes Cheese! has launched an "online nursery school" that you can participate in at home.

Sen Corporation (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Nobuaki Chiba, President & CEO), a provider of "Yes Cheese! (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Nobuaki Chiba), which provides photo services for kindergartens, nursery schools, elementary schools, and other educational institutions, as well as sports groups, corporations, and other organizations, and sells photos on the Internet, has announced an emergency ...

health care

[Part 2] Japanese translation of UNICEF's tips for raising children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection explosion published by UNICEF at DeepL translation

This is the second part of the article "Tips for raising children at home during the COVID-19 infection explosion" published by UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund: UNICEF), translated into Japanese using DeepL translation, and correcting expressions that are difficult to understand. (Therefore, there is a possibility of translation errors...