- Linked with a dedicated app. Equipped with "Pregnancy Mode" that shows weight transition at a glance.
- Baby mode" for easy weighing of babies
- Japanese version of Pregnancy Mode will be released in Spring 2020.

(We spoke to...)
SB C&S Corporation IoT Business Promotion Division, New Business Headquarters
Mr. Zhang Long, IoT & Robot Planning Department 1, IoT Division 1
Smart Body Composition Analyzer to support you during a particularly health-conscious time in your life.
Editorial:First, please tell us about your relationship with Withings.
Zhang:Withings was founded in France in 2008. In addition to the Body+ smart body composition analyzer, the company also manufactures and sells smart watches, smart sleeping pads, and other healthcare products, and is widely recognized as a smart device manufacturer in Europe and the United States. We are the exclusive distributor of Withings products in Japan.
Editorial:I understand that "Body+" has not only the usual functions as a body composition analyzer, but also features that take pregnant women and babies into consideration.
Zhang:Withings develops products with the goal of promoting health at every stage of life. During pregnancy and the early postpartum period in a person's life, special attention must be paid to health. Body+" was created as a product to meticulously care for the health of mother and child during these times.

Pregnancy Mode" that tells you how your weight is changing and what nutrition you should be taking.
Editorial:Please let us know what exactly are the functions.
Zhang:The main feature of Withings products is the ability to synchronize weight and other records with a dedicated free app called "Health Mate. Body+" has a pregnancy mode and a baby mode, and in the pregnancy mode, the due date is automatically calculated by entering information about your pregnancy into the app. In addition, by simply using this app to get on the scale every day, you can track your weight from before you became pregnant and whether you are gaining appropriately. It also gives you advice on what to eat and what to keep in mind depending on the stage of your pregnancy. In addition, when combined with the Withings smartwatch and smart sleep pad, the app can be used to centrally manage your exercise and sleep quality.
Editorial:We hear that even if you have the habit of getting on the scale, it is difficult to keep a daily record. I think it gives pregnant women peace of mind to know at a glance whether their weight is increasing appropriately, and to be able to provide supplementary advice on nutrition and other matters, in addition to regular checkups. How many active users does the dedicated Health Mate app have?
Zhang:The number of active users of the app is not disclosed, but it has been downloaded more than a million times on Android OS alone (4.4 stars), and even more so by tens of thousands of pregnant women among them. We've also received a lot of positive feedback from users.

No need to get on and off the scale, no need for tedious subtraction! Baby Mode."
Editorial:What is the function of the baby mode?
Zhang:Baby Mode is a function that allows you to weigh your baby while holding him/her in your arms. Weighing in baby mode eliminates the tedious process of calculating the baby's weight by subtracting the total weight of the baby and mother (or father). This is an unlikely feature that has never been available before, allowing the user to instantly know the baby's weight while holding the baby. Incidentally, the baby's weight can be measured from 3 to 15 kg.
Editorial:The weight of a newborn baby is directly related to its growth, and you are nervous about the baby's weight gain.
Zhang:Mothers who have difficulty producing breast milk, for example, are worried about whether their babies are growing properly and are checking their daily weight closely. It is very important to know the baby's growth not only by appearance, but also by weight gain. Some babies do not drink much from the breast, while others drink a lot, but do not grow much. Weight is also a great indicator for discussing whether there is a health problem or not, such as absorption of nutrients, etc.

Editorial:This will allow us to monitor changes in the baby's weight not only during regular checkups at the maternity center, but also on a daily basis. By the way, how do you currently measure baby weight at your maternity hospital?
Zhang:Many maternity hospitals use baby scales shaped like a cradle. Since it is sometimes difficult to measure accurately due to the baby's movements, the "Body+" style of measuring while carrying the baby is probably the most suitable.
Editorial:I heard that the body composition analyzer emits a weak electric current when measuring, but is there any problem with the effect on the baby?
Zhang:It is true that a weak electric current flows when a body composition analyzer is used to measure body fat percentage, but no electric current flows if only body weight is measured. Although there has never been a case where the fetus has been affected in any way, Withings does not recommend the use of the body composition measurement function for pregnant women. Pregnant women are advised to turn off the body composition measurement function on the app and use the device only to measure their weight.
Japanese version of "Baby Mode" to be released in spring 2020
Editorial:What are your future plans?
Zhang:The pregnancy mode of Health Mate is currently available only in English, and we are in the process of translating it. A Japanese-language version of the app is scheduled to be released in spring 2020. We have heard from Withings that the development of Pregnancy Mode and Baby Mode, including the integration with the app, was very difficult. We will continue to listen to our users and make further improvements in terms of functionality.

<After the interview
Although there are many scales and body composition scales available in the world, it is surprising that there are few models equipped with such functions. It is likely to be of great use as a guide for pregnant women and their babies to improve their health. Combined with the sleek design, Body+ and Health Mate may become the must-have body composition analyzers and apps for Japanese mothers in the near future. I can hardly wait for the release of the Japanese version of Baby Mode. Let's wait with bated breath for the release of the Japanese version of Baby Mode.
Withings Body+