BabyTech Award Japan 2019] "hugsafety".

Here are the services and products nominated for the BabyTech Award Japan 2019.
Hugsafety is from the safety measures category.

service name


Name of company/organization

hugmo corporation

Application Category

safety measure


By placing IoT sensors underneath futons and mattresses, the system monitors children's breathing during naptime and helps nursery staff to monitor their sleep.
The main functions of the sensor are as follows.

Simply place it under your futon or mattress (also suitable for cot beds).
Hygienic as it does not directly touch the body
When there is a change in the state of breathing, the app will alert you with a display and sound.
Eight pneumatic sensors detect minute biometric data.
Mobile battery enables cordless use.
The cloud and the mat-type IoT sensor are stably connected by Wi-Fi.
Registered as a medical device (Class I) (Medical device manufacturing and sales registration number: 14B3X10008000005)

web site


BabyTech Editor's Comment

In the case of monitoring services, I felt that there are two major approaches. One approach is to analyze a large amount of data by using a camera and image analysis to improve accuracy, while the other approach is to specialize in gathering important information at the center, and this product uses the latter.

In the case of baby tech, both approaches can be adopted because the target infant does not move significantly. If there is a breakthrough, I wonder which route it will be. We want to keep a close eye on the trends.