BTA2024 Applications to Open Soon!

domestic helper

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Visualize the division of household chores with numerical values! Pairwork," a housework application for working couples|IT enthusiast mom Ogamari's "With BabyTech

Hello! My name is Ogamari. In my online community for moms, we recently had a discussion about the "division of household chores between married couples". There are quite a few moms who are stressed by the uneven division of chores between husband and wife and the existence of "unnamed chores and childcare"...

just about to leave or go out

Ururu's "OurPhoto" on-site photography service partners with postpartum care facility "zeroplace. Offering original newborn photo shooting service in the facility.

~(Tokyo, Japan), a leading company in solving labor shortage issues and developing multiple SaaS services, today announced that it has launched a new SaaS service, "URURU", a new service that allows users to share their precious moments with their babies in a space where they can spend time with their babies in peace.