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Jeeks Corporation, a Nagoya University Venture, Launches Demonstration Experiment of Online Medical Treatment Specializing in Pediatric Patients

- The following is content from the press release -

In cooperation with Sakura-kai Medical Corporation, everything from medical appointments to receiving medications is done at home.

(Nagoya, Aichi; President & CEO: Yoshikazu Murakami; hereafter "Jeeks") and Sakura-kai Medical Corporation (Kasugai, Aichi; President: Motohiro Kurose; hereafter "Sakura-kai") have started a demonstration experiment of online medical care focused on children.


 With the revision of the "initial and re-consultation fees" for online medical services in the 2022 revision of medical service fees, the market opportunity for online medical services is attracting attention. Medical institutions that had not introduced online medical services due to low reimbursement are beginning to consider introducing them in combination with face-to-face medical services.
 Following a demonstration experiment with the Aoi Kankeikai medical corporation that began in February 2021, Zeex released the childcare medical application "Anyo" in September of the same year. Through the application, Zeeks provides standardized Q&A on questions commonly asked by parents of newborns and infants, as well as expert consultation with pediatric specialists in a question-and-answer format.
 While users of the application have expressed extremely high satisfaction, we have also received many requests for consultation with specialists through video and audio as well as text information, even while at home. Therefore, in collaboration with Sakura-kai, we have decided to offer a new online medical service specialized for pediatric patients through Anyo.

Anyo Online Medical Treatment Special Page

Childcare Medical Application "Anyo" download

Outline and Objectives

 At the end of September, Jeeks began offering an online medical service specializing in pediatric skin diseases by a dermatologist belonging to Sakura-kai for app users residing in Nagoya City. The service, which includes appointments, preliminary medical interviews, online medical care, online medication guidance, and delivery of medications, can be completed on the system provided by Jeeks, and medications are delivered to the patient's home on the same day of medical care at the earliest.
 The purpose of this demonstration experiment is to investigate the needs for home medical care, especially during infancy, and to verify operations at medical institutions, with the aim of building an online medical care platform that is more user-friendly for both patients and medical institutions.

[Medical Corporation Sakura-kai Comment / Motohiro Kurose, Chairman of the Board of Directors
 Basically, I believe that medical departments are in the service industry. Although a service industry must put the patient first, the current system in the medical field is not patient-oriented, but one that imposes the convenience of the clinic on the patient. Patients have to endure long waiting times, or are not listened to because of short consultation times, which is unthinkable in other industries.
 In this context, I believe that online medical care is a major initiative that will change the way medical services are structured. I believe there are many physicians who want to do better for their patients. I sincerely hope that online medical services will be popularized as soon as possible for those who cannot go to the doctor's office during office hours or for those who have small children and cannot go to the doctor's office.

[Jeeks Corporation comments / President and CEO Yoshikazu Murakami
 We have recently started a demonstration experiment of online medical care in the pediatric field with Sakura-kai Medical Corporation.
 Up until now, we have been working with about 100 local medical institutions to provide content created by specialists and health consultations for minor concerns and worries about children's health through our childcare medical application "Anyo". As we spoke with many parents using the app, we found that many of their concerns were not being resolved by Anyo, and yet they were hesitant to see a doctor. We hope that we can provide help to get out of such problems and unable to make decisions in the form of working together with Sakura-kai.
 We hope to work with more medical institutions to improve the local childcare environment based on the knowledge and operational know-how gained from this demonstration experiment.

<About Jeeks, Inc.
Company name: GeCS, Inc.
Location: OICX, JR Gate Tower 27F, 1-1-3 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Representative: Yoshikazu Murakami, President and CEO
Established: September 2019

 Founded in September 2019 by students from Nagoya University and Nagoya Institute of Technology. Develops and operates the pediatric medical app "Anyo"; certified as a venture company originating from Nagoya University and Nagoya Institute of Technology in April 2020.