BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Call for Review Members DIGICOLO

This project is to find parenting hacks to help you enjoy raising your children,
This is a way for community members to share their experiences with various baby tech services.


Each time, you will be asked to use one service, and about that service,BabyTech CommunityWe will ask them to discuss it on a special channel in Afterwards, we will hold an online roundtable discussion to share how you use the system, and publish the content as a review article in

Examples of past review articles

Services covered in this issue

Digicolo (

Digicoro" is a new type of digital + analog educational toy. It is a new and unique toy that can be played by rolling it on the iPad as a spherical stylus that cannot be found anywhere else.
There are 10 free dedicated apps for the iPad that allow you to play "digicolo".

About Entry

For this project, Digicolo Corporation has donated 6 Digicolos for the "BabyTech Community" and we will give them away to the first 6 people who do not have one and who apply for this project. (Please note that the number of applicants for this project has reached the limit. Please note that we have reached the limit of the number of participants.)

Conditions for participation: Owners of iPads who download and play with the dedicated app during the period.

Entry Method

If you are not a member of the Babytech community, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to join.

  1. If you would like to participate, please comment there on the entry acceptance post in the Babytech community.

After that, detailed information on how to participate will be provided within the community.

Entry Period

Thursday, June 30 - Friday, July 8

Click here to register for the Babytech community.

Please be sure to read the Terms of Use before applying to this community. Please note that by applying to participate, you are agreeing to the Community Terms of Use.

BabyTech Community Terms of Use