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More than 2,000 "good places" for families with children are listed. The "iiba" childcare map application.    [Baby Tech/BabyTech trisetts vo.45

In this issue of BabyTech Trisetts, we will introduce,
It lists more than 2,000 "good places" for families with children, selected by professionals who take their children on outings,
The iiba childcare map application.

To "make child-rearing more fun and convenient,
This service is designed to reduce the burden on parents and increase family smile time.

Playgrounds and restaurants,
Even the nursing room and restrooms,
You can discover places on the map that are good for families with children,
The ability to share user-discovered information (iiba was there!) Using the
This is a new outing application where MAP is made by everyone.

Navigating is,
He is a pioneer of baby tech criticism in Japan and has a wealth of experience raising children himself,
Brought to you by Tetsuya Nagata, Chairman of the BabyTech Award Jury.

■ [iiba

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# Outing Map # Spots with Children # Children's Outing