BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Preventing #Heat Stroke Starting in Early Summer [BABYTEC/BabyTech Trisetts vol.37

This time the baby tech triceps are,
A change of pace from the usual,
Not only baby this hot summer,
Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa can also use it,
It is a technology-enabled heat stroke countermeasure!

The items featured are,
Disposable after 3 months, no need for troublesome battery replacement,
It is a [canary] that informs you of abnormalities in deep body temperature just by putting it on your arm.

By using ancient heat stroke prevention and technology,
Get through the summer safely.

Navigating is,
He is a pioneer of baby tech criticism in Japan and has a wealth of experience raising children himself,
Brought to you by Tetsuya Nagata, Chairman of the BabyTech Award Jury.



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# Canary # Heat Stroke Prevention # Body Temperature Control