BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

If you want to share albums with your family, "Mimene" leverages the know-how of communication apps [BabyTech/BabyTech no Torisetsu vol.30].

This time the baby tech products are,
Children's photo and video sharing application Family Album [Mimene].

The album's easy-to-use points are condensed,
It is truly an itchy family album.

You can organize and store photos of your children at pinpoint points in their lives.

Not only automatic organization and comment functions,
They suggested photo print gifts and photo books,
They deliver value creation of content.

Navigating is,
He is a pioneer of baby tech criticism in Japan and has a wealth of experience raising children himself,
Brought to you by Tetsuya Nagata, Chairman of the BabyTech Award Jury.

■ "Look at this.

BabyTechAward2023 is finally decided!

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# Family Album # Photo Book # Family oriented