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Supporting Moms' Learning and Work! Mamit, a community-based IT school for moms only, challenges crowdfunding!

Starts May 24, 2024

- The following is content from the press release -

Mamit, an online IT school for mothers operated by Stance Dot LLC (headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Mariko Kawanishi, President), an IT education business for beginners, will start a crowdfunding challenge on Friday, May 24.

Mamit is a community-based online IT school exclusively for mothers (including pre-moms) raising children under 18 years old, BabyTech(R) Awards 2023 Award of Excellence in the Career Support category at the LEVEL UP STAGE 2023 In the "Bronze Award", we were able to win the Bronze Award. And now, we are going through a lot of changes.

In order to provide an environment where even more mothers can learn and take on the challenges of work, and to provide more opportunities for Mamit mothers to take on new challenges, we have decided to conduct a crowdfunding campaign on For Good from May 24 to July 7, 2012.

Open For Good page

What is Mammit?

Mamit is an online IT school that specializes in moms.

The program offers a low-cost subscription format, no deadlines for submitting assignments or taking courses, and a community-based approach that allows mothers to connect with other mothers, making it "easy to start, continue, and stop" when learning IT skills.

We also provide an environment where you can challenge yourself with work experience (with compensation) while learning. Students can apply the skills they have learned in a practical format, learn again the skills they feel are lacking, and connect them to the next stage of their careers. You can experience the cycle of learning and working only at MAMIT. Of course, you can work with the instructors and members while helping each other, so you don't have to worry even if this is your first time. Many of our members have gained confidence at Mamit and have gone on to start their own businesses, change jobs, or start their own businesses.

Practical projects actually handled by subscribing members

Members who have joined the program have also commented that it is fun to learn about an unknown field and that they feel safe because they are all mothers.

Background of the crowdfunding challenge

Mamit is particular about the "Course fees in an amount that does not have to be approved by the familyThe price of the plan is "1,980 yen/month (3,278 yen including tax). The most expensive plan is 2,980 yen per month (3,278 yen including tax), and there is no enrollment fee or handling charge.

In order to maintain the service at this amount, it is essential to increase the number of members taking the course and the number of orders for practical projects, but we are currently unable to raise enough money to pay for sales activities and advertising expenses.

We want to bring this Mamit to more mothers. In order to do so, we felt it was necessary to first make this Mamit known to the public, so we decided to take on the challenge of crowdfunding.

About Returns

We have prepared a great return for moms, people who support moms, and corporations.

The "TEAM Mamit Work Debriefing Ticket" allows you to attend a debriefing session where mothers who actually took on practical projects at Mamit will report on their efforts and what they learned during the course of the project. Other returns also incorporate many ideas from Mamit members.

Through crowdfunding, we would like to ask for your support for mothers who are challenging themselves to learn and work.

Crowdfunding Details Page
note (supplementary information) symbolFriday, May 24, 0:00 a.m.You can support us from

Implementation period:Friday, May 24, 2024 0:00 - Sunday, July 7, 2024 23:59
Mamit official page: