~The true feelings of the child-rearing generation as seen from the poll of 1,283 visitors to Maternity & Baby Festa 2024~.

The Dads Want to Try It Grand Prize Executive Committee (Papa Shirube LLC and Papa Smile Co., Ltd.) announced the results of the "Dads Want to Try It Grand Prize & Moms Want Dads to Try It Grand Prize 2024" held at the Maternity & Baby Festa 2024 held at Pacifico Yokohama on April 6 (Sat) and 7 (Sun), 2024. The results of the "Grand Prize for Dads & Grand Prize for Moms for Dads 2024" were announced.
In this project, we asked dads, pre-dads, moms, and moms-to-be to choose from 14 companies' items and services for the child-rearing generation that were solicited in advance, what they themselves would like to do or try, and what moms would like dads to do or try, and to vote for each of them. Over the two days, 1,283 visitors cast their votes, and the results were interesting, highlighting the differences between the needs of fathers and mothers.
What are the Grand Prize for Dads and Grand Prize for Moms?

In the "Grand Prize for Dads' Favorite Things to Do," the temporary childcare facility "YASMO Musashi Kosugi" took first place, revealing that fathers are seeking a break from the daily exhaustion of child-rearing with their mothers. In the "Grand Prize for What Moms Want Dads to Do," Bioréu's "Foaming Body Wash" and "Moisturizing Milk that Penetrates to the Stratum Corneum" came in first place, indicating that moms not only want dads to wash their children in the bath, but also to take good care of them afterward, including moisturizing them. The top item was "Body wash" and "Moisturizing milk that penetrates to the corner layer".

As for the items that had a large gap in votes between fathers and mothers, fathers focused on digital products such as the CuboAi Baby Nemenemori Set, a baby nemenemori camera, health care products for fathers, English conversation lessons, and goods that shorten housework time, while mothers voted for "Punitto Otete Memory," which preserves memories to the touch, and baby food items, which are often a source of concern for mothers. Mothers voted for "Punittote Otte Memory," which preserves memories to the touch, and baby food items, which are often a source of concern for mothers, highlighting the differences in their interests. On the other hand, items that couples can enjoy together, such as "Ohirune Art" and "Shimaruma Photo Print," and items that help resolve common family concerns, such as "Baby Smile S-303 Electric Nasal Aspirator" and "Kope," a child-rearing app, were popular with both parents and children, with little gap between the two.
It was also impressive to see couples communicating and voting together at the booth. We are pleased that this project provided an opportunity to promote conversation between married couples. We will continue to engage in activities that foster communication between fathers and mothers and their families.

voting results
Dad Wants to Try Grand Prize 2024

Grand Prize
Temporary childcare facility where moms and dads can have a good night's sleep
YASMO Musashi Kosugi
Mitsui Fudosan Co.https://yasmo.jp/

2nd place
Kadokawa's Collecting Pictorial Book GET!

3rd place
Biore u
Body wash that comes out in bubbles."
Moisturizing milk that penetrates to the stratum corneum.
king of flowershttps://www.kao.co.jp/bioreu/family/body_w/bioreu/

Grand Prize 2024: What Mom Wishes Dad Would Do

Grand Prize
Biore u
Body wash that comes out in bubbles."
Moisturizing milk that penetrates to the stratum corneum.
king of flowershttps://www.kao.co.jp/bioreu/family/body_w/bioreu/

2nd place
Temporary childcare facility where moms and dads can have a good night's sleep
YASMO Musashi Kosugi
Mitsui Fudosan Co.https://yasmo.jp/

3rd place
Plump hand memory

Gap Award(Products already introduced are listed by product name only)
The one that got more votes from dads.
1st place
CuboAi Sleep Safety Bundle
Cloud and Yun Technology https://jp.cuboai.com

2nd place
Medi Qtto For Men Compression Night Socks Short
Reckitt Benckiser Japanhttps://www.mediqtto.jp/line-up/for-men/

3rd place
Read it LOUD!" - English Conversation Lessons with Picture Books from Hawaii
Halle Osagi Internationalhttps://www.readitloudjapan.com/

4th place
Reed Pressure Cooking Bag

The one that got more votes from moms.
1st place
Plump hand memory
2nd place
Biore u "Body wash that comes out in foam" and "Moisturizing milk that penetrates to the stratum corneum
3rd place(same percentage)
First bite of paqupa - baby food

3rd place(same percentage)
Training for our child's exclusive trainer (Hagaki/Wild Baby)
Japan Children's Life and Education Association & Papa Shirubehttps://camp-fire.jp/projects/742632/

Those that received equal votes from moms and dads.
1st place
Ohirune Art Associationhttps://www.ohiruneart.com/

2nd place
Kadokawa's Collecting Pictorial Book GET!
3rd place(same percentage)
Shimauma Photo Print, Shimauma Photo Book
zebra printhttps://www.n-pri.jp/

3rd place(same percentage)
Electric Nasal Aspirator Baby Smile S-303
sea starhttps://www.seastar.co.jp/products/babysmile.html

3rd place(same percentage)
Parenting application "cope"
Ezaki Glicohttps://www.glico.com/jp/csr/coparenting/copeapp/

*Please see the special page of Papa Shirube Web site for the event report.