- The following is content from the press release -
The Council of Local Authorities for DX Promotion (hereinafter referred to as "the Council") has released a survey on the progress of local authority DX in the "child-rearing" and "public health" genres from the "FY2023 First Survey on Local Authorities' DX Awareness and Status" report.
The online debriefing session for the "First Municipal DX Awareness and Reality Survey in FY2023" will be held on December 21, 2023 (Thursday).
For more information
The First "Survey of Municipal DX Awareness and Factors in FY2023
[Survey period
June-July 2023
Survey Summary
61 items combining both multiple-choice and descriptive questions to understand the actual status and awareness of the promotion of municipal DX.
Municipal DX Fact-Finding Survey (48)
Municipal DX awareness survey (13)
Response Status]
Prefectures: Number of transmissions: 47 / Number of responses: 4( 8.51%)
Cities and wards: 815 transmissions / 197 responses (24.17%)
Towns: 743 transmissions / 219 responses (29.48%)
Village: 183 transmissions / 61 responses (33.33%)
Total: 1788 outgoing calls / 481 responses (26.90%)
Municipal DX Promotion Council, a general incorporated association, begins sales reservations for the "FY2023 First Municipal DX Awareness and Fact-Finding Survey" survey book.
Progress Survey on DX in 20 Target Fields" (Japanese only)
The analysis of Q28-Q48 in the "First FY2023 Municipal DX Awareness and Reality Survey" focused on the progress of digital transformation (DX) in 20 key areas in accordance with the "Reference Casebook on Digitalization of Local Communities [Version 2.0]"* provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. In this section, we summarize how far DX has progressed in each of these areas and the specific reasons for this progress or stagnation.
note (supplementary information) symbol https://www.soumu.go.jp/main_content/000835268.pdf
20 target areas
Community Revitalization / Resident Life / Firefighting and Disaster Prevention / Medical Care, Welfare, and Health / Child Care/Public Health /Environment / Labor / Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries / Commerce and Industry / Tourism / Transportation / Civil Engineering and Infrastructure / Culture and Sports / Education / Fighting the Digital Divide / Developing Digital Human Resources in the Region / Loneliness and Isolation / Cashless / Local 5G
Progress of municipal DX in the area of childcare support: 36.81 TP6T municipalities have made progress in their efforts.
In terms of the progress of DX in the area of child-rearing support, 38.71 TP6T of the total number of municipalities have made progress in introducing child-rearing support applications, electronic mother-child handbooks, etc. Reasons for the progress of DX include the strengthening of child-rearing support as a policy and the start of the government policy. However, the number of municipalities that have not progressed is 60.7%, and progress tends to be particularly low in small municipalities, and the need itself is low in areas with few child-rearing households .
Progress in Municipal DX in the field of public health: 8.31 TP6T takes an active role
In the public health sector, 8.31 TP6T of municipalities are moving forward with DX. The establishment of a new coronavirus vaccination portal site and the introduction of RPA in the vaccination appointment system are reported as specific initiatives. The reason for progress is the presence of staff with the will and skills to promote DX, but as many as 90.91 TP6T of the municipalities have not progressed, with budget limitations and lack of human resources being particularly notable issues.
note (supplementary information) symbol
The contents of this article are published in the first issue of the Municipal DX Guide, a newsletter published by the Council of Local Authorities for DX Promotion (sent to local authorities and supporting members nationwide). (Sent to all local governments and supporting members nationwide)
The "Municipal DX 20 Genres" progress survey, including this content, will be presented free of charge to all participants in the "FY2023 First Municipal DX Awareness and Reality Survey" online debriefing session.
Online Report Meeting of the First Municipal DX Awareness and Reality Survey in 2023
Date: Thursday, December 21, 2023, 14:00-15:00
Format: Online Webinar (using ZOOM)
*We will inform you of the URL of the event by e-mail two days prior to the date of the event.
Admission: Free (Pre-registration required)
Target: Municipal government officials and business people involved in municipal government-related projects
Capacity: 80 people on a first-come, first-served basis (will close when capacity is reached)
*Special slots are available for GDX members.
For more information
Click here to register
The General Incorporated Association, Council of Local Authorities for DX Promotion (GDX) is an organization that promotes the digital transformation of local governments and the sustainable development of local communities. Working with local governments, GDX supports the solution of local issues and the creation of innovation through the use of digital technology.
We provide a bridge between local governments and businesses and a place for partnerships that accelerate local development through digital transformation. Please feel free to contact us.
For inquiries about this press, click here.
General Incorporated Association, Council of Local Authorities for DX Promotion (GDX) Secretariat
Phone: 03-6683-0106 E-mail address:info@gdx.or.jp