BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Mimmy Adventure," a global experience in the comfort of your own home [BabyTech/BabyTech no Torisetsu vol.37

In this issue of BabyTech Trisetts, we will introduce,
Experience a foreign country every day using Zoom while in Japan!
Mimmy Adventure.

I want my children to see and gain experience in the global world from a young age for their future!
...but I have school every day,
Such a precious growing time for your child.
Interactive communication with guide staff from over 50 countries
Mimmy Adventure" is a global experience!

Many programs are available for your fast-growing child to enjoy overseas experiences!

Navigating is,
He is a pioneer of baby tech criticism in Japan and has a wealth of experience raising children himself,
Brought to you by Tetsuya Nagata, Chairman of the BabyTech Award Jury.

Mimmy Adventure

BabyTechAward2023 is finally decided!

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# Overseas Experience # Global Experience #Mimmy Adventure