BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

PTA'S, Japan's first comprehensive support service for PTA operations [BABYTEC/BabyTech no Torisetsu vol.34].

In this issue of BabyTech Trisetts, we will introduce,
Japan's first dedicated support service for PTAs [PTA'S/PITAS].

With the shift to nuclear families and changes in the family structure of working together,
The state of elementary and junior high school PTAs and the challenges they face these days.
It is now listed as a public topic.

Using Technology,
Launched as a service to solve problems and help the PTA.
This is a dedicated support service for PTAs [PTA'S/PITAS].

Outsourcing sources, as well as companies that provide services.
The PTA'S met the criteria for judging,
We are a PTA'S supporter company, so you can rest assured that your request will be handled with the utmost care.

Navigating is,
He is a pioneer of baby tech criticism in Japan and has a wealth of experience raising children himself,
Brought to you by Tetsuya Nagata, Chairman of the BabyTech Award Jury.


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#PTA # Elementary School Parents # MEXT