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Japan Postpartum Care Association launches video information platform project on postpartum care and childcare.

- The following is content from the press release -

The Japan Postpartum Care Association (Representative: Tomomi Okubo), which has been involved in postpartum care for more than 10 years and has a proven track record in training numerous human resources in the field, has launched a video information platform business related to postpartum care and childcare.
Real knowledge and a variety of information related to postpartum care and childcare, in an easy-to-understand format! Unbiased! Interesting! We will deliver it to you.

What is Postpartum Care? 〜Thinking about child-rearing now

In these days of declining birthrates, the environment surrounding childcare continues to change on a daily basis.
In particular, the trend toward nonmarriage, late marriages, and late childbearing, along with women's entry into society, diversification of values and lifestyles, the shift to nuclear families in urban areas, and the weakening of ties with local communities have had various effects on the child-rearing environment.
Mothers and fathers who have just finished childbirth and started childcare say, "I don't know who to talk to!" We often hear such concerns.

Making child-rearing more fun and more wonderful!

My baby is not a good sleeper, and I can't get a good night's sleep."
I worry about my back pain, my stiff shoulders, and my body shape that won't return to normal."
I'm a recluse with no one to talk to.
During the difficult postpartum period when life with a newborn baby begins, it is inevitable to prioritize one's own child over one's own body and health. However, it is part of the love that mothers have for their babies and husbands that they themselves stay healthy both physically and mentally. We at the Japan Postpartum Care Association believe that comprehensive support for postpartum women, including mental and physical care and child-rearing environment, is important for the happiness of the whole family.
Above all, by creating a better child-rearing environment that meets the needs of the current era.
Parenting can be more fun and wonderful.
To this end, we are committed to training personnel in the field of postpartum care.

Happy mothers, happy families. 〜That is the goal of the Japan Postpartum Care Association.

When the mother is happy, the whole family is happy.
After the birth of a baby, people tend to focus on the care of the baby alone. However, a family cannot be happy unless it also pursues the happiness of the mother who is struggling to raise her child. By promoting the concept of postpartum care that supports the mind and body of postpartum women, we can reduce the burden on mothers, improve family satisfaction in Japan, and increase the happiness index of society as a whole.

The Japan Postpartum Care Association considers three important elements of postpartum care.
⒈ "Care for the body and mind."
⒉ "Learning
⒊ "Environment."
We believe that these three elements are important. In parallel with this, to support postpartum mothers, the Japan Postpartum Care Association will promote the following broad support system.
Activities to seek society's understanding of and need for postpartum care
Information from a leading country in postpartum care
Support for Women's Advancement in Society
Achieve work-life balance
Cooperation in new childcare support systems that re-create human connections in the community.
We want to reduce the burden on women, create an environment in which they do not have to be lazy in raising their children, and create a society in which they can enjoy raising their children in a more enjoyable and meaningful way. To this end, we at the Japan Postpartum Care Association are determined to do all we can to support as many postpartum mothers as possible.

For all those involved in postpartum care and childcare

The Japan Postpartum Care Association will continue to support more stakeholders to find the best solutions to various issues and concerns related to postpartum through videos.

Please see the following URL for organization information.
Japan Postpartum Care Association Philosophy and Mission
Japan Postpartum Care Association History