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Hahakala releases Wedoo, a prenatal and postpartum management service. Get ready to welcome your baby as a family! Make it easy moms and helpful dads even before the birth!

- The following is content from the press release -

(Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; Representative: Sakurako Katada; hereafter referred to as Hahakara), a provider of bulk preparation services for baby items, has released Wedoo, a prenatal and postpartum management service that mothers and families can share, starting on February 1, 2023. (hereinafter referred to as Wedoo)

After a closed version for prior users only, we have finally released the beta version officially.
We will continue to improve our service to make it more useful from the user's perspective.

About Wedoo

In the course of counseling more than 100 cases of baby goods bulk procurement agency, we found that prenatal and postpartum families have a variety of concerns other than choosing baby goods.

Our experience there has helped us to make the most of our time to help families solve their problems as much as possible!
The couple can also have time to relax and be at ease about the birth of their child.
That is Wedoo!

What you can do with Wedoo

Wedoo's service also includes a variety of features to help couples work together before the birth of their child.
You can manage your schedule not only to prepare items for the birth, but also to avoid omitting important postpartum application procedures to government offices.
With this, you can be an easy mom and a helpful dad even before the birth of your baby!

Hahakara is constantly disseminating information necessary for prenatal and postpartum care on the following social networking sites and platforms.

Weknoow, an information dissemination site
Official Instagram

In addition, Hahakala is currently trying to crowdfund to expand its services to help couples raise more children together.
We support the realization of an environment and society in which both men and women can play an active role regardless of gender.
I wish this service had been available at the time of my own birth so that I could have gone through the birth with peace of mind.
I supported this project because I hope it will make society easier for children to be raised in.
We have received such happy and supportive feedback as

Thank you in advance for your support.

Hahakala will continue to provide a variety of services and information with the aim of creating a society where not only women but also the whole family can raise children.
Although we are still in our infancy, we hope you will look forward to working with us.
We look forward to your registration.