BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

EMC Healthcare Corporation, winner of the BTAJ2020 Safety and Monitoring Excellence Award "Babymoni," Raises ¥200 Million in Series A Round of Funding

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Hitoto Date), which aims to solve social issues through the power of health tech, has raised 200 million yen in funding from MCP Japan Holdings Inc. and angel investors. *One hundred million yen of this amount has already been press-released on April 7, 2022.

From left: Yamashita, MCP Asset Management K.K.; Date, Representative Director, EMC Healthcare K.K.; Urakami, Director

Background and Objectives

Needless to say, "care" services such as medical care, nursing care, and childcare are indispensable services in local communities. On the other hand, the working environment for essential workers, who are the bearers of these services, is not favorable, and a shortage of workers is a major challenge. The business situation is also extremely difficult, with the number of bankruptcies of nursing care facilities set to reach a record high in 2021.

We have been developing and marketing "Babymoni," a system for monitoring the number of sleepers at childcare facilities, and "OwlCare," a DX service for nursing care facilities in the field of nursing care.

By utilizing the funds raised this time, we will accelerate the development and production of OwlCare, a DX service for nursing homes. In addition, we aim to develop and deploy a SaaS model that digitally connects the real and virtual worlds, and we will begin to expand into Data Driven Health as a new core of our business. In order to accelerate the above activities, we will focus more on recruitment activities to strengthen our organizational structure.

OwlCare, a DX service for nursing homes

This is a nursing care DX service that integrates various monitoring sensors and nurse calls that have been provided and introduced discretely. By utilizing AI such as camera images and behavior detection, it provides optimal information to nursing staff and interactive communication with residents. This contributes to the reduction of workload and efficient staffing during nighttime hours.

Received an award of excellence at "Age Tech 2021 Award" sponsored by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Babymoni": a noon-sleep monitoring system for child-care facilities

This is a revolutionary camera-based nocturnal sleep monitoring system that utilizes AI technology. By installing a camera on the ceiling, the system detects the posture of multiple people and alerts the user when the child is in a prone position. In addition, an automatic recording function supports the work of checking for noon sleep and eliminates the need for daily management of equipment and paperwork, allowing childcare workers time to focus on the child.

Received the Venture Grand Prix at the "ASPIC IoT, AI, Cloud Award 2022" sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, etc.
Received the Award for Excellence in the Safety Measures and Monitoring Category at the BabyTech® Award Japan 2020 powered by DNP Dai Nippon Printing.

Keisuke Yamashita, Managing Director, CIO, Venture Capital & Private Equity Investment Department, MCP Asset Management Co.

In an aging Japanese society, the burden on medical and nursing care workers is increasing. EMC Healthcare, in which the MCP Group has invested, is developing OwlCare, a DX service for nursing homes, to address this social issue by leveraging President Date's extensive knowledge and experience and the solid technical capabilities of the engineering team that developed BabyMoni. The company is developing OwlCare, a DX service for nursing homes, to address this social issue.
OwlCare has been so well received within the nursing homes that have already implemented OwlCare that some say they now cannot imagine working without it.
As an investor, I look forward to supporting the further development of OwlCare, its sales expansion in domestic and international markets, and its business expansion into the data business."

Comment from Hitoto Date, President, EMC Healthcare, Inc.

The Essential Worker field is a demanding one. "The essential worker field is a demanding one, and there are many staff members who are exhausted by the harshness of the work environment.
Our goal is to alleviate this harshness by harnessing the power of digital in the medical, nursing, and childcare welfare fields, creating an environment in which staff can concentrate on their work with a relaxed mind. The next generation of services will be based on the symbiosis of people and digital technology. We are striving to realize this goal on a daily basis.
The funds raised through the Series A will be used to improve the accuracy of existing services and to ensure the supply chain."

We are looking for people who are willing to take on the challenge of solving social issues.

We are looking for professional members to work with us as we continue to solve social issues and create new value through cutting-edge development and analysis technologies.
We welcome those who want to work in a flat organization and be actively involved in progressive initiatives!

About MCP Japan Holdings K.K.

MCP is the holding company of MCP Group, an independent alternative investment management company based in Hong Kong, with offices in Japan, Korea and Japan. The company has two subsidiaries: MCP Asset Management K.K., a financial instruments business operator, and Millennium Fund Services Japan K.K., which provides risk management services related to alternative investments.

Company name: MCP Japan Holdings, Inc.
Location: 2-12-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Representative: Shun Fujii, President & CEO Representative Director and Tetsuo Ochi, CEO, MCP Group
Established: 2021 (MCP Group was founded in 1999)
Capital: 50,000,000 yen

About EMC Healthcare, Inc.

Healthcare is widely integrated into the lives of the community, from babies to the elderly, from home to hospital. By combining the power of people with cutting-edge technologies (data analysis, AI, IoT, sensors), we enrich the lives of people involved in healthcare. 

Company name: EMC Healthcare Corporation
Location: 601 Kioi Royal Heights, 3-29 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-4580-2500