- The following is content from the press release -
More than 70% of parents prepare for Christmas using the Internet. Educational toys and picture books are popular gifts for children
(Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Nobuaki Chiba), a provider of childcare tech services that enrich the environment for preschools, schools, and parents with technology under the motto "Peace for Children," conducted a "Christmas (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Nobuaki Chiba; hereinafter referred to as "the Company") conducted a "Survey on Parents' Christmas

The results of the survey revealed that more than 70% of nursery schools and kindergartens are planning to hold Christmas events this year, with a total of 76.471 TP6T of "having a fun party (*1)" (50.881 TP6T) and "having a presentation (*2)" (25.591 TP6T), indicating that they are planning to hold Christmas events. The total number of respondents who answered "Yes" was 76.47%. As for the content of the event, many preschools plan to hold a "fun party," approximately double the number of preschools that plan to hold a "recital" event.
Regarding photography and video recording of events, parents who responded that there is a fun day said that they would like to have their picture taken for public consumption and sale (85.8%) and video recording for public consumption and sale (57.39%), while parents who responded that there is a presentation day said that they would like to have their picture taken for public consumption and sale (85.8%) and video recording for public consumption and sale (66.67%), regardless of whether there is a format with or without parental viewing. Parents who responded that their child has a presentation also responded that they "want to have photos taken for public display and sale (85.8%)" and "want to have videos taken for public display and sale (66.67%)," indicating that regardless of whether or not parents are present, many parents want photos and videos taken. Demand for video recording was slightly higher for recitals than for funerals.
As for the use of the Internet and digital media to prepare for Christmas events at home, more than half of respondents said they would "Buy gifts (74.21 TP6T)" and "Collect information (63.031 TP6T)," followed by "Buy a Christmas cake (35.91 TP6T)," "Buy decorations (26.61 TP6T)," and "Buy Christmas food (21.281 TP6T). (26.61 TP6T), and buying Christmas meals (21.281 TP6T). The reasons given were "24/7 access to information and ordering (82.32%)" followed by "Volume and variety of information (62.9%)" and "Easy delivery to home (61.45%)" as advantages of online shopping.
Furthermore, approximately 90% of children between the ages of 3 and 8 believe in Santa Claus, and when asked by their children "Is Santa really here? When asked by their children "Does Santa really exist?", parents answered "Yes" (85.641 TP6T), "No" (11.441 TP6T), "No" (0.271 TP6T), and "Other" (2.661 TP6T), indicating that over 80% of parents answered "Yes" or "No" to such questions. The results show that more than 80% of the parents answered that they affirm the existence of Santa Claus. Of the parents who approved of the existence of Santa, approximately 651 TP6T said, "I tell them that I have an image of Santa Claus as in a picture book," and "I want my children to be excited about Christmas. It's more fun to have a dream. This is because "I want my child to be excited about Christmas, and it's fun to have a dream.
1 Fun Day: An event held at the school without the participation of parents.
2 Presentation: An event in which children present some kind of play or other performance and parents/guardians watch.
Parents are more likely to hold a nursery school or kindergarten Christmas party as a "fun event," indicating that they expect the "children's enjoyment" to be the most important aspect of the event. On the other hand, from the results of the "recital" and the previous "field day" (*), it seems that parents tend to expect to be able to "see their children grow up" when they need to practice before the event or when there is a strong presentation element, and it is thought that there will be higher expectations for a video showing their children growing up.
We saw a certain number of families using the Internet not only to buy gifts, but also to buy Christmas cakes and food. Recently, customizable delivery services and event-specific kits for parents and children are available on the Internet, and we expect this trend to continue.
Topics of Survey Results
More than 70% of the preschools held Christmas parties, and more than 80% of the parents wished to sell their photos.
2. Christmas preparations by parents are mostly done online. Over 70% of parents purchase gifts for their children.
3. Educational toys and picture books are popular as gifts for children.
4. 90% of children aged 3 to 8 believe in Santa Claus. When asked by their children, "Is Santa really real?" 80% of parents answered "yes" to the children's question.
Trends in our Christmas event photography
The number of photographers dispatched for "Yes Cheese & Cheese Photo" was 121% Photo" Number of photographers dispatched to Japan in December was 121% compared to last year.
Number of video distribution of December 2012 preschool events: 1st "Presentation", 2nd "Christmas Event".
We are pleased to announce the launch of our photo shooting and sales service, "Yes Cheese! Photo", a photo shooting and sales service offered by our company, will be held in December.
The number of photographers dispatched to the event increased to 1,211 TP6T compared to the previous year, and the number of photographers dispatched to the event increased to 1,211 TP6T compared to the previous year.
One of the reasons for this is thought to be the increase in the number of kindergartens that have held the "Koganei" (a kind of "koganei" in Japanese).
In addition, the platform service "Yes Cheese. Movie" allows you to easily distribute videos to parents! Movie," a platform service that makes it easy to distribute videos to parents.
The number of videos distributed in December 2020 by video content was No. 1 for "Presentation and playtime
The second place was "daily events" and the third place was "Christmas events".
The "party and playground" is an event that can be filmed at a fixed point, making it easy to distribute, and it is also an event that can be moved around.
The demand for video distribution is growing.

Survey Results Topics Details
1. 70% of preschools held Christmas parties; more than 80% of parents wished to sell photos.
Regarding Christmas events at day-care centers and kindergartens this year, a total of 76.471 respondents answered that they have a "fun party" (50.881 TP6T) and a "presentation" (25.591 TP6T), indicating that more than 70% of them plan to hold Christmas events. As for the content of the event, many preschools plan to hold a "fun party," approximately double the number of preschools that plan to hold a "presentation.
Furthermore, when asked what kind of opportunity they expected the Christmas party to be, the parents who answered that there would be a fun party selected "for the children to have a good time (96.02%)" the most, followed by "for the children to understand the true meaning and customs of Christmas (36.36%)" and "for the children to grow up (25%)". The next most popular responses were "for the children to understand the original meaning and customs of Christmas (36.36%)" and "for the children to grow up by having a presentation (25%)", indicating that over 90% of the parents wanted "for the children to enjoy themselves". On the other hand, parents who answered that they wanted to have a recital were most interested in "seeing their children grow up and mature" (83.33%), followed by "having a fun time for the children" (81.11%) and "providing an opportunity for the children to grow up by holding a recital" (25%). The results show that the expectations of parents differ depending on the type of event.
When asked what they would like their preschool or school to do if they hold a Christmas party, 84.841% (84.841 TP6T), 60.641% (60.641 TP6T), and 44.411% (41%) of the parents would like to have their children's Christmas party photographed, publicized and sold, and 60% would like their children's Christmas party video filmed, publicized and sold. The results showed that more than 80% of the parents wanted to have their photos taken, published, and sold, and more than 60% wanted to have their videos taken, published, and sold.
Furthermore, when we looked at the differences in the format of the Christmas party, those parents who answered that they had a fun party wanted their children to be photographed and sold to the public (85.8%) and those who answered that they had a presentation party wanted their children to be photographed and sold to the public (57.39%). Parents who responded that their child has a presentation also wanted their child to be photographed and sold (84.44%) and to have a video taken and sold (66.67%), indicating that regardless of whether or not the event is open to parents, many parents want their child photographed or video taken. Demand for video recording was slightly higher for recitals than for funerals.

2. Christmas preparations by parents are mostly done online. Over 70% of parents purchase gifts for their children.
When asked what they do online and digitally to prepare for Christmas, we found that more than 70% use the Internet to buy gifts (74.2%). This was followed by "Gathering information (63.031 TP6T)," "Buying Christmas cake (35.91 TP6T)," "Buying decorations (26.61 TP6T)," and "Buying Christmas meals (21.281 TP6T).
When asked why they use the Internet to gather information and make purchases, the most common response was "24/7 access to information and ordering (82.32%)," followed by "A wide variety of information (62.9%)," "Easy delivery to my home (61.45%)," and "Cheap (52.17%). (62.9%)," "Easy to have it delivered to my home (61.45%)," "Cheap (54.2%)," and "Easy to buy (52.17%)" followed. About 80% of the respondents chose "24/7 access to information and ordering", and it seems that the lack of time constraints is the main reason for busy parents to use the Internet and digital media.

3. Educational toys and picture books are popular as gifts for children.
When asked if they would buy gifts for their children for Christmas this year, "Yes (95.741 TP6T)," "No (2.661 TP6T)," and "Other (1.61 TP6T)" were the results, indicating that most parents would prepare gifts for their children for Christmas. We found that most of the parents prepare Christmas gifts for their children.
When asked what they were considering as Christmas gifts for their children, "educational toys (40.71%)" was the most popular choice, followed by "picture books/books/illustrated books (30.33%)," "character toys (23.77%)," "vehicle toys (19.95%)," "pretend play sets (19.67%)," and "stuffed animals/dollies (17.76%). (19.67%)," "stuffed animals/human figures (17.76%)," followed by "educational toys such as educational toys and books.

4. "Is Santa really real?" 80% of parents answered "yes" to their children's question
Parents of children aged 0-15 years old were surveyed to find out how their children perceive the existence of Santa Claus. When asked if their children currently believe in the existence of Santa Claus, the results were "Yes (68.62%)," "Don't know (29.79%)" and "No (1.6%). By age group, those aged 0-2 years were "don't know (78.95%)," "yes (20.18%)," and "no (0.88%)"; those aged 3-5 years were "yes (87.76%)," "don't know (10.2%)," and "no (2.04%)"; those aged 6-8 years were "yes ( The percentage of "Don't know" decreased from 2 to 3 years of age, indicating that it is around 3 years of age that children begin to recognize the existence of Santa Claus. It was also found that approximately 90% of children aged 3 to 8 believe in Santa Claus.

Next, when asked if their children have asked them questions about Santa Claus in the past, such as "Is Santa really real︖," the results were "No (49.2%)," "Yes (42.29%)," and "Don't know (8.51%). By age group, those aged 0-2 years were "no (71.93%)," "yes (7.02%)," and "don't know (21.05%)," those aged 3-5 years "yes (52.04%)," "no (44.9%)," and "no (3.06%)," and those aged 6-8 years "yes (72 The percentage of respondents who "Yes" to the question began to increase from about 3 to 5 years of age, and reached 70% at 6 to 8 years of age, indicating that the tendency to wonder about the existence of Santa Claus is gaining momentum.
Furthermore, when asked how they would respond (or had responded) if asked about the existence of Santa Claus, such as "Santa Claus really exists (︖)," the results were: "I tell people that Santa Claus exists (85.64%)," "I do not tell people that Santa Claus exists or not (11.44%)," "I tell people that Santa Claus does not exist (0.27%)," and "Other (2.66%). (0.27%)" and "Other (2.66%)," indicating that more than 80% of parents answered that they "agree that Santa Claus exists.
When asked what they tell their children about Santa Claus and why, about 651 TP6T of the parents who answered affirmatively said, "I tell them what I think Santa Claus is like in the picture books. 'There is a Santa Claus. I wonder where he lives ︖ I wonder where he is ︖ He gives presents to everyone. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Santa Claus and his little men are preparing presents in a cold country far away. When Christmas comes, Santa will come from the sky pulling his sleigh with his reindeer. I want them to be excited about Christmas. It's fun to have a dream. Many parents tended to tell their children about the world in picture books because "I want them to be excited about Christmas and it is fun to have dreams.

Survey Summary
Survey theme: Survey of parents on Christmas
Method of survey: Web-based questionnaire survey
Surveyed: 376 parents with children attending preschool, kindergarten, or school.
Date of Survey: November 5, 2021 - November 30, 2021
Research entity: Sen Co.
Yes, cheese! is]
Yes, cheese! (Cheese! Cheese! )https://sencorp.co.jp/(hereinafter referred to as "the company") is a comprehensive childcare tech service that aims to nurture the happiness of children in cooperation with daycare centers, kindergartens and other facilities that take care of children and their parents. (KICT) is a comprehensive childcare tech service that aims to nurture the happiness of children in cooperation with daycare centers, kindergartens and other facilities that take care of children and their parents under the motto of "Peace for Children!
It is.
Internet Photo Sales "Yes Cheese! Photo", childcare ICT "Yes Cheese! System", album production "Yes Cheese! Album," and the video distribution service "Hi-Cheese! System, album production, video distribution, and other services in support of childcare. Currently, it is one of the largest childcare services in Japan with data on more than 10,000 preschools, more than 2.7 million users, and more than 100 million images of children.
Company Profile
Thousand Corporation
President and Representative Director: Nobuaki Chiba
Head Office: Keidanren Kaikan 13F, 1-3-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Established: October 2004
TEL: 03-6266-6662
Business: SaaS-type comprehensive childcare tech service "Yes Cheese! Business
Internet photo sales service "Hai Cheese & Cheese Photo" (Japanese only) Photo" (Internet photo sales service)https://info.8122.jp)
-Photographer Shooting Plan
-Teacher Photography Plan
-Photo Studio Photography Plan
ICT service for childcare operations "Yes Cheese! System" (https://hoiku-ict.com)
Album production service "Yes Cheese! Album" (https://album.8122.jp)
Video service "Yes Cheese! Movie" (https://enchannel.jp)
-Video distribution platform
-Event Video Shooting
-PR video production and editing
Yes Cheese! is a registered trademark of Sen Corporation.
BTAJ2021 Childcare ICT Category Grand Prize Winner "Yes Cheese! This is a research release by Sen Corporation, a provider of SaaS-type comprehensive childcare tech services, including
This year, about 70% of group daycare facilities will hold Christmas-related events, and about 80% of parents would like to see photos of these events published.
Last year, many preschools found it difficult to hold Christmas events, and this year, while the situation seems to have calmed down a bit, the results seem to reflect the parents' desire to have their children enjoy the event as much as possible and to record the event.
Let's take a look at the details of the survey from the press release.