"Konotoki", a fertility support app that supports couples with "attention to detail" and "high functionality".

Key points of this product
  • Support for the most stressful aspect of fertility: communicating with your partner.
  • A full range of recording and scheduling functions that can be a huge burden on a pregnant woman.
  • The most important part of the fertility journey is the sharing of information with the couple and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge.

Konotoki is a fertility support app that can be shared by couples. It not only tells you when you are most likely to get pregnant, but also helps you keep track of your health and fertility treatments, and provides you with columns to help you learn more about fertility. The app won an award for excellence in the "BabyTech® Award Japan 2020 Fertility and Pregnancy Category". The editorial team caught up with Jun Tanimoto and Tsuchiya (below) from Amane Factory, the company behind Konotoki, to find out more about the service, how it was developed and what the future holds.

We spoke with...

Amane Factory Inc.
Jun Tanimoto

Amane Factory K.K.
Mr. Hayato Tsuchiya

The most stressful part of pregnancy is "communicating with your partner".

Editor: Thank you very much for your time today. Could you give us an overview of Konotoki and its features?

Tanimoto: Konotoki is a "fertility support app" that couples can share. It's said that 1 in 5.5 couples are currently struggling to have a child. The first thing to do is to try to get pregnant according to the timing of your menstrual cycle, but some women find it very stressful to tell their partner that they know when they ovulate. On the other hand, some men want to have children but don't know when the right time is, but don't want to ask directly. The Konotoki service aims to solve these problems for both men and women.

Editor: I went through fertility treatment too, so I understand very well .......

Tanimoto: There are three main things that Konotoki can do. Firstly, we can predict the date of ovulation based on the woman's registered start of period and menstrual cycle, and tell the couple when they will ovulate. For couples who are at an advanced stage of fertility treatment, there is also a function to manage and record their fertility schedule, such as keeping a detailed record of their basal body temperature and physical condition, and visiting hospital for injections and medication. This information can also be viewed by the man. Finally, there is content for both men and women to learn about fertility, such as how pregnancy works, what ovulation is and how to time it.

Editor: The key point is that you can share all sorts of information about your fertility.

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