Good news for areas with a shortage of obstetrics and gynecology hospitals! Delivery Monitoring System iCTG & Perinatal Telemedicine Platform Melodyi

Key points of this product
  • Devices and systems that can remotely measure and record fetal heart rate and labor status
  • The world's first full wireless measurement is possible, and there is a great merit in introducing it in obstetrics and gynecology hospitals.
  • It is expected to spread in the future, especially in "rural areas" and "developing countries" where there is a shortage of medical specialists.
We would like to introduce you to Melody International's "iCTG" delivery monitoring device & "Melody i" perinatal telemedicine platform, which won the Grand Prize in the "Pregnancy Category" of the Baby Tech Award Japan 2019.

These devices can measure the same data as the delivery monitoring devices used in actual obstetrics and gynecology hospitals, and doctors can check the data remotely. The editorial department of interviewed Mr. Kono, CMO (Director and Chief Marketing Officer) of Melody International Inc. about the product and its future development.

(Interviewed by.)
Melody International Ltd.
CMO Mr Hiromasa Kono

The significance of using the Internet to remotely measure the heartbeat of the fetus and the status of labor pains.

Editor: Can you give us an overview of the product?

Kono: iCTG is a device for remotely checking the condition of pregnant women, based on a delivery monitoring device originally developed at the University of Tokyo. Melody i" is the name of the entire system (platform), including the "cloud server" that records and transmits the data measured by iCTG over the Internet. Of the devices that make up iCTG, the pink sensor measures the heartbeat of the baby inside the belly, and the blue sensor is a pressure sensor that measures the frequency and intensity of the pregnant woman's labor pains.

Editor: How will it be used in practice?

Kono: For example, if this device is used by a pregnant woman who lives in an area where there are no obstetricians, an obstetrician in a remote area can diagnose the data and issue instructions such as, "Please come to the hospital because the baby will be born the day after tomorrow or the day after that. In addition, if the baby's heartbeat is weak, there is a possibility that the baby will suffocate in the birth canal during normal delivery. Therefore, an obstetrician in a remote area can decide to perform a C-section based on the iCTG data.