BabyTech Award Japan 2019] "Arlo Baby".

Services and products nominated for the BabyTech Award Japan 2019.
From the Safety Measures category, Arlo Baby.

service name

Arlo Baby

Name of company/organization

Arlo Technologies Inc.

Application Category

safety measure


Arlo Baby is an all-in-one smart baby-watching camera with 1080p HD quality video, music player, night light, rechargeable battery and air sensor.

Whether you're in the next room or thousands of miles away, Arlo Baby lets you keep an eye on your baby. With just a few taps on the app, you can enjoy what your baby is up to and the precious moments that are recorded.

The Arlo Baby is cute and versatile. It can be mounted on a flat surface, on a wall, or on the Arlo Baby stand, so you can film your baby in the crib from above and monitor them without an obstructed view.

web site


BabyTech Editor's Comment

It's not surprising, isn't it, that it comes from the form in a good way? Even though it's a smart camera, it's great how it emphasizes cuteness and doesn't ruin the atmosphere of having a baby. I also like that it has an air sensor.