BTA2024 award-winning products announced



According to a survey by Medley Corporation, a provider of family pharmacy support systems, more than 60% of the child-rearing generation has a family pharmacy. They realize the benefits of guidance on how to give their children their medicine, follow-up while taking their medicine, and online receipt of prescriptions.

Medley, a provider of "Pharms," a system to support family pharmacies, has released a survey of 300 men and women in their 30s and 40s who are raising children in Japan. More than 60% of families raising children have a family pharmacy, and mothers...


Kyoshin Group to hold an educational lecture online on Sunday, September 11, where an expert in children's digital education will answer questions about programming education. Lecturer Nanako Ishido, Professor at Keio University

The Kyoshin Group, which operates preschools and kindergartens nationwide, will hold an educational lecture on programming education online on September 11. Let's take a look at the details from the press release. - The following is from the press release...


Bears and Dai-ichi Life Group begin collaboration. The collaboration will begin with the provision of an "insurance policy that enables the use of housework and childcare support by Bears and others in case of emergency" and the posting of housework services on Dai-ichi Life's on-demand media "Miracil.

Bears, a housekeeping service, and Daiichi Smart Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Co. have collaborated to offer an insurance policy that provides access to housekeeping and childcare support in case of emergencies. It is very nice to have a system that can help in a pinch. Let's take a look at the details pre...


CuboAi, the #1 ranked(*) smart baby monitor on Amazon Prime Day, is holding a summer sale. Simultaneous "We won't let you raise your baby alone" campaign on Instagram, where up to 8 people can watch over your baby and raise him/her together.

CuboAi, the smart baby monitor that won the BTAJ2021 Excellence Award, is holding a summer sale. At the same time, the "Family Share Function," which allows eight people to watch over a single CuboAi camera at the same time, allows multiple eyes to watch over the baby for solitary childcare...


Kids' Flea Market, an educational event sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Financial Services Agency, opens a store on "Maneboo," a money learning application for children.

More and more stores have been opening stores on "Maneboo," a money learning app for children. This time, "Kids' Flea Market," in which children use their own money to buy and sell items alone, can now be experienced on the app. The original idea was to allow children to...


Unifa launches a project to support "Smart Nursery Schools, Kindergartens, and Childcare Centers. Unifa launches a project to support "Smart Nursery Schools, Kindergartens, and Childcare Centers" and recruits new childcare facilities to work with "Lukumi" to create "preschools of choice.

Unifa has launched a project to support the "Smart Preschool" that the company is advocating. We are looking for childcare facilities that will work together with us to create preschools of choice while utilizing the company's childcare ICT service "Rukumi". Now, let's take a look at the details...