BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!



Free for elementary and junior high school students] "You too can become a doctor" exhibition empowered by Dr. Chan" and SOZOW's special collaboration! Online event to explore the fushigi of the world!

SOZOW, an online learning place for elementary and junior high school students operated by Go Visions, of which Mr. Kosukegawa, who appeared in our interview with the father business owner, is the president, will be open on March 19 and 26, 2022 for the popular TV program "Sandwit...


Pigeon conducted a survey on attitudes toward childcare leave in conjunction with the implementation of the revised Child Care and Family Care Leave Law. While about half of "future fathers" would like to take more than one month of childcare leave, in reality, about 80% would take less than one week.

In response to the revised Child Care and Family Care Leave Law that will take effect in April, Pigeon conducted a survey of married men aged 25 to 39 nationwide. Among them, about 70% of pre-papas whose partners are currently pregnant with their first child and about 70% of pre-papas who are thinking of having a baby in the future...


First Ascent and the National Center for Child Health and Development publish results of joint research online in The Journal of Pediatrics, an American medical journal, visualizing child development from big data on 16,627 childcare data.

First Ascent, a leader in baby tech services and devices in Japan, has compared the developmental milestones of babies recorded longitudinally through its Papatte Ikkoiku@Baby Notebook app with data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the World Health Organization, and found a general agreement...


Sen Corporation launches online album production tool "Yes Cheese! Album" service for photography businesses.

Sen Corporation has launched "Yes Cheese. Album," an online graduation album production tool for preschools and kindergartens! Album", an online production tool for graduation albums for preschools and kindergartens, Sen Corporation has established a system and support structure for photography studios and other photography businesses and has launched the service. Photography businesses are able to use the system and support system for their photo...


Codomon conducted a survey on the use of online training at daycare centers. 80% of the responding facilities have used the service, and the range of topics covered has expanded, leading to increased motivation for learning.

Codomon, which boasts a high market share in childcare ICT services, conducted a survey on the use of online childcare training among childcare facilities nationwide that are using the service. More than 80% have used online training, and another 95% found it useful. Location...


Unifa revamps the "Face Recognition System" for its comprehensive childcare ICT service "Lukumi. Unipha has developed a unique system that specializes in infant faces and uses deep learning technology.

Unifa's award-winning childcare ICT service, Lukumi, has received numerous awards, including the BTAJ 2019 Childcare ICT category. One of its founding businesses, Lukumi Photo, has taken the face recognition technology used to sort children's photos and integrated it with a third-party system....