BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!


Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Record childcare, play background music, and operate a robot vacuum cleaner without hands! |With IT enthusiast mom Ogamari's baby tech!

Nice to meet you! My name is Ogamari. I am a 37-year-old freelancer who gave birth to my daughter this May. I usually work as a computer instructor, web production agent, and programming learning support under the title of "IT enthusiast. I am a freelancer and I am currently working as a computer instructor, a web production agent, and a programming support person.


IT literacy picture book series' fifth title "Come, When You Want to See Me (The World of Metaverse)" is now available on "Mori no Ehonkan", an application for enjoying more than 500 picture books by iFreak.

A new title has appeared in the IT literacy picture book series distributed by the picture book app "Morino Ehonkan. This time, it deals with the recent hot topic "Metaverse" and seems to be of interest to moms and dads as well. Let's take a look at the details from the press release...


How to teach? Gakken Plus has developed a complete application of clock work for young children. The "GURU-GURU-TOKEI" function, which gives children a thrilling feeling, deepens their understanding of the subject.

Gakken's "Toukei" workbook for young children, sold at bookstores and other retailers, has been fully converted into an app, available on Google Play, AppStore, and the Amazon app store. Some of the content has been digitized with the goodness of the paper work, while others have been a...