BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!



Hamic MIELS can detect whereabouts even when batteries run out. Launch of Hamic MIELS, the first smartphone for children that combines real and digital monitoring.

- The following is from the press release - Hamee, Inc. (Head office: Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture; President: Ikuhiro Mizushima; hereinafter referred to as "Hamee"), which develops the "iFace" brand of smartphone accessories and other products, has announced that it will launch a new smartphone accessory line, "iFace" in the...


NTT Learning Systems begins offering a VR hands-on program for understanding developmental disabilities and learning about reasonable accommodation. In conjunction with the program, a trial session was held for educators to take the course free of charge.

- The following is from the press release: - Recruitment of free trial sessions for nursery schools, elementary and junior high schools, etc. (limited to three organizations) in the 23 wards of Tokyo has begun - NTT Learning Systems Corporation (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President, ...


Sen, Inc. conducted a survey on parents' awareness of grandparents' assistance in raising children. No. 1 thing parents would like grandparents to assist with: "Necessary items for entering school and starting kindergarten, such as school backpacks."

- The following is from the press release - "Hai Cheese!", a comprehensive childcare tech service that aims to create happiness for children through the power of photography and food (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Nobuaki Chiba....

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

I'm glad that the application "Codomon" introduced at day-care centers is useful! |With IT enthusiast mom Ogamari's BabyTech!

Hello! My name is Ogamari, and my 10-month-old daughter started attending preschool the other day. She came home with a fever on the third day of her acclimation to daycare, then took a few days off, and today she went to daycare for the first time in a she has been baptized from the very beginning. I've been watching my daughter at home while working...


Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, Online Video "The 9th Consortium for Supporting Child-Rearing" Promoting Male Employees to Take Maternity Leave: Efforts by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

- The following is from the press release - Aiming to create momentum to support child-rearing in society as a whole Supporting working fathers to take childcare leave! The latest case studies of small and medium-sized companies are introduced in an online video! How to watch : YouTube Cabinet Office...