BTA2024 award-winning products announced
just about to leave or go out

iiba, a map application that informs you of good places to find with children, releases an Android application. Additional ambassadors are now being recruited.

- (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / CEO Nana Aizawa) has released the Android application of its map app "iiba", which helps people with children find "good places" to go. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / CEO Nana Aizawa) has released an Android app called "iiba", a map app that lets you find "good places" to go with your children.


Benesse's nursery school Visualization of children's ability to grow and nurture each other in "cross-age childcare"; Web-based communication to those involved in childcare to improve the quality of childcare

- The following is from the press release - BENESSE STYLE CARE CORPORATION (Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Shinya Takiyama) has established the BENESSE STYLE CARE SERVICE CORPORATION (BSC), a subsidiary of BENESSE STYLE CARE, Inc. (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Shinya Takiyama) has decided to launch the "BENESSE STYLE CARE" program in October 2023.

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

A convenient app for sudden injury or illness of a child "Tell me! Doctor"|IT enthusiast mom: Together with Ogamari's baby tech

Hello! This is Ogamari. My daughter, who is now 1 year and 5 months old, has just been very active lately! She is completely addicted to walking on her own two feet, and she is increasingly reluctant to be carried in her arms or in a stroller. When I took her to the park, her desire to move exploded! She was so excited to move...