BTA2024 award-winning products announced

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Raising a Child with Grandma and Grandpa from afar! ChiCaRo, a Remote Collaborative Parenting Robot|IT Enthusiast Mom: Together with Ogamari's BabyTech

Hello! My name is Ogamari. I'm sure you are all raising children and thinking, "I wish someone else was here right now!" "It would be so helpful if someone other than myself was watching my child!" Have you ever thought "I wish someone was here right now! Today, we would like to introduce you to a robot that will make your wish come true...

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

What is the name of this flower?" You don't have to worry about being asked "What is the name of this flower? Flower name recognition application "Hananona"|IT enthusiast mom: Together with Ogamari's baby tech

Hello! This is Ogamari. It is now April and the weather is getting warmer and sunnier. More and more flowers are blooming on the way to the school, and I can feel spring in the air. I hold hands with my daughter as we walk to and from preschool, talking about how cute the red flowers are and how pretty the yellow flowers are...

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Visualize the division of household chores with numerical values! Pairwork," a housework application for working couples|IT enthusiast mom Ogamari's "With BabyTech

Hello! My name is Ogamari. In my online community for moms, we recently had a discussion about the "division of household chores between married couples". There are quite a few moms who are stressed by the uneven division of chores between husband and wife and the existence of "unnamed chores and childcare"...

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

A convenient app for sudden injury or illness of a child "Tell me! Doctor"|IT enthusiast mom: Together with Ogamari's baby tech

Hello! This is Ogamari. My daughter, who is now 1 year and 5 months old, has just been very active lately! She is completely addicted to walking on her own two feet, and she is increasingly reluctant to be carried in her arms or in a stroller. When I took her to the park, her desire to move exploded! She was so excited to move...