BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!


Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Easy search for concert information! Free application for parents and children to enjoy classical music "Parenting Classic Navi"|IT enthusiast moms: Together with Ogamari's BabyTech

Hello! My name is Ogamari. It has been three months since my daughter and I started attending rhythmic classes. Recently, she has started to enjoy music, humming songs and showing interest in various instruments. The other day, we watched an orchestra play together for the first time, and from the beginning...


Free real-life event of the social experience app "Gokko-Land" starts! The first "Gokko-Land EXPO" connecting companies and families will be held at AEON MALL Musashi Murayama

- The following is from the press release - Children will be greeted by a venue decorated to make them feel like they are in "Gokko Land" the moment they enter. The venue welcomes children with decorations that make them feel like they are in "Gokko Land" the moment they enter. The venue is decorated to make children feel like they are in "Gokko Land" the moment they enter.