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Watching over children


60% of parents have had a near-miss experience such as not knowing where their child is...or getting lost! What are the most commonly used GPS devices? |Survey by Ikoiyo Research Institute

Survey and analysis based on user questionnaires on experiences of having trouble locating children, countermeasures against such problems, and the percentage of respondents who have their children with location-aware devices - The following is from the press release - Japan's largest child...


Hamee's survey on the use of watchdog devices (GPS, etc.). About 70% of families have experienced that their children do not carry a watchdog device with them when they go out. Even if they do have a device, it is clear that they are not fully prepared to watch over their children in case of disasters, incidents, or accidents.

- The following is from the press release - Hamee Corporation, developer of "Hamic MIELS," a kids' smartphone for children that combines real and digital monitoring functions (Head Office:...