BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Parents' Learning


Fami One, July 27, "Summer Vacation Special! Children's Sex Education 2024" on July 27. Significant increase in seating due to a large number of applications.

The event will be held in four parts for elementary school students, junior high school students, parents/guardians, and related parties - The following is from the press release - With a vision of "caring for all those who wish for children and creating a society where they can lead happy lives," employees of the corporation...

Upcoming Events

More than 100 companies and organizations that support families raising children will participate. Maternity & Baby Festa 2024," a family event for finding your own unique way of giving birth and raising children, will be held in Minato Mirai on April 6 (Sat.) and 7 (Sun.), 2012.

Special guests will include Ami Suzuki and popular video creator Asahi Sasaki, as well as Osaru no George and Rilakkuma, for a spectacular stage event. - The following is from the press release &#8...