BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Smartphone Apps

Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Visualize the division of household chores with numerical values! Pairwork," a housework application for working couples|IT enthusiast mom Ogamari's "With BabyTech

Hello! My name is Ogamari. In my online community for moms, we recently had a discussion about the "division of household chores between married couples". There are quite a few moms who are stressed by the uneven division of chores between husband and wife and the existence of "unnamed chores and childcare"...

Smartphone Apps

Mirabo's child-rearing support application "Kosodate Mobile" selected for inclusion in the "Catalog of Services/Systems Supporting Good Practices in Digital Implementation (Second Edition)" issued by the Digital Agency and certified as a standard recommended system.

Mirabo, Inc., a developer of services for local governments (headquartered in Tokyo, Japan), has been awarded the "Standard Recommended System Certification" and "Start-up Points" to promote childcare and maternal and child health DX.