BTA2024 Application for screening is now being accepted.

childcare provider


Busifros-Search adds school collaboration function to Medicare-partner, a medical, welfare, and childcare recruitment platform. Busifros-Search works to solve graduate recruitment issues.

Resolving the Mismatch between Educational Institutions and Medical, Welfare, and Childcare Providers Recruiting New Graduates by Prefectural Police - The following is from the press release - "Providing safe and secure medical and welfare services from children to the elderly, and weaving services for the next generation in a land...


Benesse's nursery school Visualization of children's ability to grow and nurture each other in "cross-age childcare"; Web-based communication to those involved in childcare to improve the quality of childcare

- The following is from the press release - BENESSE STYLE CARE CORPORATION (Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Shinya Takiyama) has established the BENESSE STYLE CARE SERVICE CORPORATION (BSC), a subsidiary of BENESSE STYLE CARE, Inc. (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Shinya Takiyama) has decided to launch the "BENESSE STYLE CARE" program in October 2023.