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Mizuho Bank Launches New Game "Let's Make Everyone's Dream Come True" for "Gokko Land," a Social Experience App for Children a social experience app for children. Simulated experience of "investment" while playing with family members

- The following is content from the press release -

(President: Katsuhiko Kato; hereinafter "Mizuho Bank") today announced that it will provide a new game, "Let's Make Everyone's Dream Come True! (President: Masahiro Hirata, hereinafter "Kids Star"), a social experience application for children.
In December 2022, Mizuho Bank provided coin and bankbook functions to the app. Children can now learn about how money works through the ability to save and spend the coins they receive by playing games in the app.
As a follow-up to this, Mizuho Bank will offer a new game that allows children to play and learn about "investing" with their families.

Mizuho has positioned "financial and economic education*1" as one of its key sustainability initiatives, targeting a wide range of generations. We will continue to support the development of children, who will lead the next generation, by providing a wide range of learning opportunities that are tailored to the various life stages of our customers and that also make use of digital technology.
1 Mizuho's financial and economic education

Let's Make Everyone's Dreams Come True!" About

Let's Make Everyone's Dreams Come True! is a game in which you use "investment points" to support and develop people working with dreams. For example, if you choose someone who wants to become a "cake maker" and invest in them, you can challenge them in the "Cheering Game". If you are good at cheering, the level of the person you cheered will increase, and you will be able to build and expand your store.

In addition, you will receive "investment points" once a day from those whose dreams come true through your investment.
By investing the "investment points" you receive in people with various dreams, such as "soccer players" and "entertainers" in addition to the "cake shop," you can build soccer stadiums, concert halls, and other buildings on the map. Investment points can also be used to purchase items such as slides, Ferris wheels, and other city decoration items, allowing players to enjoy building their own original city.

Launch of release commemorative campaign
To commemorate the release of this game, a campaign will be held in which players can win an Amazon gift card, an Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids model, etc. (*) by following Mizuho Bank's official Twitter page and retweeting the campaign tweets.
Campaign Period: February 27, 2023 (Monday) - March 12, 2023 (Sunday)
Campaign website:

▼"Let's make everyone's dreams come true" play video (YouTube "Gokko Land" channel)

About "Gokko Land," a social experience application for children

Kids Star's "Gokko Land" is a free social experience app that allows children to learn about the "social structure" of the products, services, and social infrastructure that surrounds them through the "pretend play" that children love. It is a free social experience application that allows children to learn about the "social structure" of products, services, and social infrastructure around them through hands-on experience. The app has been awarded the "13th Kids Design Award" and the "Japan Child Rearing Support Award 2022", and is operated with the aim of enabling children to encounter jobs, professions, and companies they have not yet seen, to encounter new dreams, and to expand their future possibilities. The company is operated with the aim of enabling children to encounter new dreams and expand their future possibilities.

Kids Star Overview
Company name: Kids Star Inc.
Representative: Masahiro Hirata, Representative Director
Established: October 2014
Head Office: Fujita In-X Building 5F, 9-5 Shinsen-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Business description: Digital content business for families

*This campaign is provided by Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Amazon does not accept inquiries about this campaign. For more information, please visit Mizuho Bank's campaign website.
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