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Intelligence Design releases IDEA bus security, a safety device for preventing pick-up and drop-off buses from being left behind.

- The following is content from the press release -

Intelligence Design (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takuji Nakazawa) is releasing a new safety device, IDEA bus security, which uses image analysis AI to detect children left behind from in-vehicle camera images and automatically sends an alert via email.

(CEO: Takuji Nakazawa) has been developing an AI image analysis service that can be used for marketing and crime prevention from camera images, and has decided to release a new product that uses image analysis AI as a safety device for preventing the leaving of courtesy buses.
In addition, a free webinar will be held on January 19 to introduce the newly released "IDEA bus security" product.

Background of Productization
The development of this product was initiated in response to the "fatal accident involving a 3-year-old child left unattended in Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, on September 5, 2022. The product was commercialized with the strong consensus of all concerned that they did not want to cause such a tragic accident again. A three-month demonstration test was conducted using an actual courtesy bus, and the product was commercialized after rigorous testing.

By combining our own AI software and hardware provided by an in-vehicle equipment vendor, we have succeeded in shortening the development period, and by using existing software, we have achieved high-performance person detection, and as an anti-leaving safety device, we have released a new solution "IDEA bus security" that can prevent the worst case scenario. IDEA bus security" is now available.

■Image of detection of preschoolers by image analysis AI

Features of "IDEA bus security

Flow from left behind detection to rescue using "IDEA bus security

Compliance with guidelines issued by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
This product, IDEA bus security, is designed in accordance with the "Guidelines for Safety Devices to Support Prevention of Leaving Behind" published by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

■ "IDEA bus security" product introduction webinar
On the occasion of the release of IDEA bus security, we will hold a free webinar to introduce the product.
To register, please fill out the form below.

Date: January 19, 2023 11:00-11:30 @ Microsoft Teams

Registration Form

Product introduction page for the "IDEA series" AI solution

Intelligence Design will continue to support regional revitalization and local development in each region through this service, utilizing the results of experiments and know-how accumulated in the past.
We are looking forward to hearing from organizations that wish to conduct AI analysis using the "IDEA series".

Intelligence Design has strength in AI image recognition technology
Intelligence Design started its business in May 2018 with the theme of "social implementation of AI and other advanced technologies. While AI-related technologies have become widely recognized in the world, social implementation using such technologies has yet to progress. To address this situation, we developed the "IDEA" series as a service that allows anyone to use AI-related technologies easily and affordably. By solving social issues with technology, we aim to build a sustainable society and promote UDX (Urban Digital Transformation).

Company Information
Company Name : Intelligence Design K.K.
Representative: NAKAZAWA Takuji
Business: Social implementation of advanced technologies
Establishment : May 2018
Head Office : Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo