BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Lullaby, an app to help infants cry at night and support bedtime routines, will hold a "Nen-ne consulting session for mothers and fathers with their babies" at Hankyu Umeda main store (Online reservations are now being accepted: only a few spots left).

- The following is content from the press release -

Lullaby, an infant sleep-support application for improving nighttime crying, developed by Moon Creative Lab (Palo Alto, CA/Tokyo, Japan; hereinafter "Moon"), which creates new businesses from the ideas of over 44,000 employees and organizations around the world in the Mitsui & Co. Lullaby, an app to help babies cry at night and support sleep-restraint, will hold an "Individual consultation for mothers and fathers with their babies" on Thursday, January 19, 2023, at the Hankyu Umeda main store in Osaka City.

The "Nen-Nen Individual Consultations for Akachan, Mothers, and Fathers" are events for pre-mothers, pre-parents, and those with children between the ages of 0 and 2, where CISA-certified pediatric sleep consultants* with expertise in improving napping habits and infant sleep will provide advice. The event introduces methods to improve the sleeping rhythm of babies, which changes depending on their growth and environment, and to develop regular sleeping habits, and provides advice on individual problems such as "babies don't sleep at a certain time at night" or "babies wake up repeatedly due to crying at night.

Each consultation session will last one hour and will be held five times on the 19th from 10:30am to 5:30pm. Each session is open to 2 or 3 pairs of mothers and fathers. Advance reservations are required for participation and can be made through the Hankyu official website ( are accepted from

Lullaby conducted the "Twins Family Napping Habit Improvement Seminar" online at the "TWINS FES" held at the Hankyu Umeda main store in May 2022 for families with twins and pre-moms and dads. This seminar on nighttime crying and bedtime routines, which many people have trouble with, received a great response, so we have decided to offer a second face-to-face individual consultation session.

Date and time:Thursday, January 19, 2023 10:30~11:30, 12:00~13:00, 13:30~14:30, 15:00~16:00, 16:30~17:30
Location:Hankyu Umeda Main Store (8-7 Kakudacho, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) 11th Floor, Kotokoto Stage 112
Expenses:1,500 yen including tax
Application:Hankyu Official HP( is required by 18:00 on January 18, 2012.

*CISA Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant: A consultant who has taken a course and been certified by CISA (Consultant of Infant Sleep Association, Pediatric Sleep Consultant Association). They work closely with mothers and fathers who are struggling with infant sleep and crying at night, and support the improvement of sleep habits while respecting each family's situation and philosophy based on scientifically grounded knowledge.

What is Lullaby?
Lullaby is an app service that provides comprehensive support for mothers and fathers who are struggling with nighttime crying and bedtime routines of their infants and toddlers. The app can be used immediately by busy moms and dads.

Lullaby Application Overview
App name: Lullaby -Application for improving infant's night crying and support for bedtime routines
Distribution Format : Application for smartphones (iOS and Android devices)
(It can also be downloaded from the QR code below)

Lullaby Service Links
Official site:
Official Instagram:
Official HP of CISA Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant:

Moon Creative Lab Inc.
Moon Creative Lab is a venture studio that promotes new business development and business incubation for the Mitsui & Co. Moon aims to create new businesses that will have an impact on the world by providing the functions and environment to discover ideas from more than 44,000 Mitsui & Co. Moon aims to create new businesses that will have an impact on the world by providing the functions and environment to discover ideas from all 44,000 employees of the Mitsui & Co.

For inquiries, please contact
Lullaby Management Office
Hankyu Umeda main store, baby and children's clothing department
8-7 Kakudacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Representative phone: 06-6361-1381