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Patata Uncovers Small Growth and Developmental Changes in Children That Are Often Missed and Deepens Parenting Confidence with the Web App "CHILDSCOPE: Did You See It? Released

From the Editor

Children's daily growth is the accumulation of small changes such as "being able to hold a plastic bottle in one hand" or "being able to pour tea into a cup without spilling it. By recording these changes, the app records the growth and development of each child, and turns worries about parenting, such as "I am not confident in my parenting" and "I am worried about my child's development compared to other people's children," into confidence in parenting by actually feeling "gradual growth" through the visualized data, and an application has been released to record valuable traces of growth and development.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

~Eliminate parental concerns such as "I'm worried about my child's development compared to other children" and "I'm not confident in my parenting skills.

(Patata; Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takashi HATOMI), a company involved in environmental space design for childcare facilities and support for parents raising children, today announced the launch of "CHILDSCOPE", a childcare application that allows users to record and observe the daily growth and development of their children, on August 17, 2012. ? (hereinafter referred to as "this application"), a child-rearing application that allows users to record and observe their children's daily growth and development.

In this application, specific scenes selected by the parent, such as a child "playing" or pouring a drink from a plastic bottle, are filmed multiple times over a certain period of time and uploaded to the application each time. The filming time is about 1 to 3 minutes. By recording and "observing" scenes of the same behavior, parents can objectively observe and confirm small changes in their children's growth and moments of development in their casual, everyday lives. For the child, objectively observing his or her own growth and development also fosters self-confidence and a sense of self-affirmation. This is an application from an unconventional perspective that allows parents and children to enjoy watching their child's daily growth and development.

I stood up! or "I talked! but also discovering small growth and development in daily life and transforming them into "confidence".

Recently, there have been loud cries of "children have low self-esteem," "children's zest for life is weak," and "mothers interfere too much," which has only deepened the anxiety and worries of parents while raising their children. In addition, the Corona Disaster that will continue from 2020 will drastically reduce contact with people outside the family, and many cases of parents feeling anxious and lonely in child-rearing have been reported.

We have developed this application with the hope that parents who are struggling to raise their children with such concerns will be able to enjoy child-rearing even more than before. Even small changes, such as "being able to hold a plastic bottle in one hand" or "being able to pour tea into a cup without spilling it," are evidence of growth and development. We hope that our apps will help you change your worries about child rearing, such as "I am not confident in my child rearing" or "I am worried about my child's development compared to other people's children," into confidence and leave behind valuable traces of your child's growth and development.

Developed in collaboration with experts in children's cognitive development

The importance of "observation" has been advocated as a means to improve the relationship between children and their parents by Yoshiko Sawai, an advisor to the company since its founding and supervisor of the TV early childhood education program "Shimajiro's Wow! (TV Tokyo affiliate), has advocated the importance of "observation" as a means to improve the relationship between children and their parents. This application also incorporates many of her findings, and the classification of the shooting scenes is based on the five fields of the "Developmental Scale Guide" in her child-rearing book "The Complete Guide to Raising Children to Age 6," which she published in September 2021.

Did you see CHILDSCOPE?" Outline


Age: 3 years old *to be expanded in the future
Usage fee: Free of charge
Shooting method: Smartphone camera function
1. registration of basic information, selection of shooting scenes, and setting of reminding period (e.g., 1 set per week x 4 weeks)
2. record video and upload it to the application
3. 3. Display of expert advice comments after uploading the final video of one set of shots.

Shooting scene selection screen

■ Co-Developer Profile

Yoshiko Sawai
(Director, Japan Association for Child Development; Director, Child Lab
Expert in cognitive developmental support and audiovisual educational media design and learning content development.
He has been involved in the development of many videos, books, and digital content for young children for many years! Ponkicki" (Fuji Television Network, Inc.) and supervised the "Thinking Skills" program for "Kodomo Challenge" (Benesse). Supervisor of the early childhood educational program "Shimajiro's Wow! (Benesse), as well as supervising the development of many videos, books, and digital content for young children.

Tomoko Senoo
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education and Culture, Akita University
(Lecturer at "Child Development Course", Japan Association for Child Development, expert in developmental psychology
D. in Life Sciences from the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences at Ochanomizu University. After 10 years of teaching experience at junior high and high schools, she is currently in her current position.
He specializes in developmental psychology, early childhood education, and childcare.

About Patata Corporation

In addition to designing environmental space and developing playground equipment and educational toys for nursery schools, kindergartens, and other childcare facilities, he is also involved in activities to help parents reduce their anxiety and stress about child-rearing.
Company name: Patata Co.
Location: Kyodo Building 3F, 1-3-6 AIC, Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan
Representative: Takashi HATOMI
Date of establishment: November 2009
Business activities: Research, development, and sales of construction materials; design, construction, supervision, maintenance, and contracting of building and facility construction; design planning, production, and consulting for various stores, buildings, and interior spaces; extension, renovation, and remodeling of buildings and structures; design, development, manufacture, and sales of indoor and outdoor playground equipment; operation and holding of childcare seminars, etc., and intellectual training and counseling advice; and all other businesses incidental to the above. Operation and holding of childcare seminars, etc., and implementation of intellectual training and counseling advice, and all other businesses incidental to the above, etc.