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According to a survey by Medley Corporation, a provider of family pharmacy support systems, more than 60% of the child-rearing generation has a family pharmacy. They realize the benefits of guidance on how to give their children their medicine, follow-up while taking their medicine, and online receipt of prescriptions.

From the Editor

Medley, a provider of "Pharms," a system to support family pharmacies, has released a survey of 300 men and women in their 30s and 40s who are raising children in Japan.

More than 60% of families with child care have a family pharmacy, and mothers and fathers expect advice from pharmacists and online support from pharmacies.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

Medley conducts "Survey on Family Pharmacies and Pharmacists".

(Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Kohei Takiguchi), provider of the Pharms family pharmacy support system, conducted a "Survey on Family Pharmacies and Pharmacists" among 300 men and women in their 30s and 40s with children nationwide.

Survey Results Summary

  • More than 60% of those in their 30s and 40s with children have a family pharmacy, a relatively high percentage that tends to make better use of pharmacies and pharmacists.
  • More than 90% of those who have consulted with pharmacists about their medications and symptoms were satisfied with the benefits
  • What we want from pharmacies and pharmacists: online support, personalized advice, etc.
  • Nearly 90% of those with a family pharmacy are willing to use medication follow-up and online pharmacy services


In recent years, in order to improve the health of the public, the safety and effectiveness of drug treatment, and the appropriateness of medical costs, it has been recommended that people have a "family pharmacy" that is close by and can be consulted at any time, instead of going to multiple pharmacies.
The family pharmacy manages all medications taken by the patient together so that they can be checked for drug combinations and interactions. Follow-up is conducted during the medication period, and information is linked to prescribing physicians and medical institutions as necessary to support patient health on a regional basis.
In addition to prescription medications, you can also consult with them about health concerns in your daily life, over-the-counter medications and supplements, and so on, so that you have the option of going to the pharmacy first if you are concerned about your health.
With this background, MEDCOM, whose mission is "Creating the Future of Medical Health Care" and is working to realize "convincing medical care," conducted a survey on the use of family pharmacies and pharmacists by the child-rearing generation in the hope that it would be helpful, especially for those who are busy and often use urgent medical care.
Reference: What is a family pharmacist/pharmacy? (Japan Pharmaceutical Association)

Survey Results Details

More than 60% of those in their 30s and 40s with children have a family pharmacy.

When men and women in their 30s and 40s with children were asked if they have a family pharmacy, more than 60% had one (n=300).

Those who have a family pharmacy tend to make better use of pharmacies and pharmacists.

Those who had a family pharmacy tended to make better use of their pharmacy/pharmacist, with 54.61 TP6T of those who had a family pharmacy and 30.21 TP6T of those who did not have a family pharmacy consulting their pharmacist about medications and symptoms (n=300).

The most frequently asked questions to the pharmacist were: "How to take prescription drugs," "Combinations with other medicines or supplements," and "How to choose over-the-counter medicines.

When those who had consulted with their doctor were asked what they had consulted about, the most common response was "how to take prescription drugs" at 57.31 TP6T, followed by "how to take prescription drugs with other medicines or supplements" at 31.91 TP6T and "how to choose over-the-counter drugs" at 29.01 TP6T (n=138). 138)

■More than 90% are "glad to have consulted a pharmacist"

When those who had consulted with a pharmacist were asked whether they were glad they did so, more than 90% thought they were glad (n=138).
As for the reasons why they were happy with the service, some said that they gained a better understanding of their medications and felt more secure by consulting with the pharmacist, such as "The pharmacist explained in detail what I could not discuss at the hospital due to congestion," and "My concerns about taking supplements and other medications together were resolved.

Reasons for consulting a pharmacist/ excerpts
I was reassured by the information I was given on how to take the medication and what to take after symptoms improved.
I was able to get different perspectives on things I had forgotten to ask my doctor.
I was given instructions on how to store my medications and was able to manage them properly.
He taught me how to give my child a dose.
...I was able to understand and take my medications.
Easier to listen to than a doctor, and I didn't have to worry about time.

■What you want from pharmacies and pharmacists: online support, personalized advice, etc.

When men and women in their 30s and 40s with children were asked what they want from pharmacies and pharmacists, they expressed a desire for online consultations on medication and supplement combinations, explanations that take into account symptoms and physical constitution, guidance on taking medications for children, and coordination of medication status with doctors.

What do you look for in a pharmacy or pharmacist?
I would like to see the waiting time shortened.
I would like to discuss my medications online.
I would like to be able to save drug descriptions, etc. in data format.
Teaching children how to take their medications
I would like to discuss my lifestyle with you.
I want you to create an atmosphere where it is easy to talk.
Feel free to ask questions that you don't feel comfortable asking your doctor.
I would like you to work with a physician.
Detailed knowledge of the differences and characteristics of the many over-the-counter drugs available.
I want you to understand and respond to the individuality of the subject.

Below, we asked those who have a family pharmacy about their intention to use various pharmacy services.

■ Nearly 90% of those with a family pharmacy responded positively to communicating with their pharmacist while taking their medications.

When those who have a family pharmacy were asked about their intention to use the service of consulting the pharmacy and receiving confirmation from the pharmacy about changes in their health condition or side effects after they start taking their medication, 8.21 TP6T said they "already use it" and 78.91 TP6T said they "want to use it," indicating that nearly 90% of the respondents were positive toward its use (n=194). positive, indicating that many of them want to communicate with their pharmacist during the period they are taking their medications (n=194).

More than 80% of those with a family pharmacy would like to use online medication instruction and prescription drug delivery services

When those who have a family pharmacy were asked if they would like to receive online medication instructions and have the service delivered to their homes, etc., 7.21 TP6T said they already do and 74.71 TP6T said they would like to use the service, indicating that more than 80% would like to receive prescription drugs without having to go to a pharmacy (n=194). The results show that more than 80% of the respondents (n=194) would like to be able to receive prescription drugs without going to a pharmacy.
*Online medication instruction (receiving online instructions on prescription drugs and how to take medications, etc.)

More than 90% of those who have a family pharmacy want to use "online prescription acceptance

When those who have a family pharmacy were asked if they would like to use a service that reduces waiting time at the pharmacy by accepting prescriptions in advance via the Internet, 14.91% said they "already do" and 75.81% said they "would like to use" the service, indicating that more than 90% are positive about using the service (n=194). The results showed that more than 90% of the respondents were positive about using online services, indicating a high level of willingness to use online services (n=194).

[General Comments

While in the 2021 Cabinet Office survey*, "have decided on a family pharmacist/pharmacy" and "have decided on one pharmacy but not a family pharmacist" together accounted for 26.01 TP6T, in this survey, more than 60% of those of child-rearing age have a family pharmacy and those who have consulted with them Of these, about half had consulted with their family pharmacy, indicating that a relatively large number of them utilize their family pharmacies. Those who have consulted with a pharmacy or pharmacist are aware of the benefits of doing so, and having the option of a family pharmacy will lead to a future in which people can access medical care appropriately.
In addition, those who have a family pharmacy are more likely to communicate with their pharmacist while taking their medications and to intend to use the pharmacy's online support services. It is assumed that a better pharmacy service delivery system will lead to more convenient and attractive pharmacy operations for patients in the future.
Source: "Public Opinion Survey on the Use of Pharmacies," Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.

Through its Pharms family pharmacy support system, MEDR provides pharmacies with a variety of functions to support more efficient dispensing operations, including online medication guidance and medication follow-up, and provides patients with online medication guidance through the CLINICS online medical care and medication guidance application, which includes functions such as online medication guidance The company provides patients with functions such as online medication counseling appointments, advance transmission of prescriptions, and medication notebooks through its online medical care and medication guidance application, CLINICS.
Through the provision of these services, we will continue to support the operations of medical institutions with the aim of lowering the various hurdles patients face when seeking medical care and realizing "a future in which patients can make full use of medical care" and, by extension, "satisfactory medical care.

Survey Summary

Survey title: Survey on family pharmacies and pharmacists
Survey target: Men and women with children in their 30s and 40s throughout Japan.
Survey method: Internet survey
Research organization: I-Bridge Corporation
Survey date: March 9, 2022
Number of valid responses: 300
*The percentage of each response item (%) may not total 100% due to fractional processing.

■ Requests when citing survey results

When reproducing or using the contents of this survey, please indicate the source.
E.g., "According to 'medley' research," "According to 'medley' research," etc.

<About Pharms, a support system for family pharmacies
This is a family pharmacy support system based on the concept of "connecting with patients, connecting with the community, and connecting with business operations. The system supports the transition from a front-door pharmacy to a family practice pharmacy through patient communication functions such as online medication instruction and medication follow-up, a prescription receipt management function that reduces waiting time at the store, and smooth linkage with various business systems and online medical services.

<About CLINICS, an online medical care and medication guidance application
This service allows you to receive consultations with your regular doctor and medication instructions with a pharmacist from the comfort of your home or office via the Internet. The consultation and medication fees are paid by credit card, and medications prescribed online are delivered directly to your home or other location.

<About Medical Platform Business
By building a platform that seamlessly links systems for offices and services for patients, we aim to lower various hurdles for patients to access medical care and realize "a future where patients can use medical care to its fullest" and ultimately "satisfactory medical care.

<Medley Corporation Company Profile
Representative: Kohei Takiguchi, President and Representative Director
Location] Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 13F, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

<About Medley Inc.
Medley has a development team that includes engineers and physicians/healthcare professionals, and provides Internet services with the mission of "creating the future of medical healthcare". Currently, we are developing the following services to realize better medical and nursing care.
CLINICS online medical care and medication guidance application" for patients
Cloud Medical Support System CLINICS" for clinics and hospitals
Pharms" family pharmacy support system
Cloud Dental Business Support System "Dentis
MEDLEY, an online medical encyclopedia created by doctors
JobMedley, a job site for medical and nursing care
Online video training service "Job Medley Academy
Finding a Convincing Nursing Home "Honne for Nursing Care

<For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
Public Relations, Medley Inc.
TEL] 03-4531-5674