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Kyoshin Group to hold an educational lecture online on Sunday, September 11, where an expert in children's digital education will answer questions about programming education. Lecturer Nanako Ishido, Professor at Keio University

From the Editor

The Kyoshin Group, which operates preschools and kindergartens nationwide, will hold an educational lecture on programming education online on September 11.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

Why learn programming education?" and "What is programming education in preschool?"

The Keishin Group, which operates 95 Hoikuen, Yochien and Kodomoen schools nationwide, will hold an online educational lecture on programming education on Sunday, September 11. Nanako Ishido, CEO of CANVAS Inc. and professor at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, who is well versed in digital education for children and how to interact with media, will be invited as a lecturer to provide answers to questions about programming. There is no charge for participation.

The Keishin Group, which operates 95*1 Hoikuen, Yochien, and Kodomoen schools nationwide, will hold an online educational lecture on programming education on Sunday, September 11. Nanako Ishido, CEO of CANVAS Inc. and professor at the Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, who is well versed in digital education for children and how to interact with media, will be invited as a lecturer to talk about answers to questions related to programming. There is no charge for participation.
(*1) This number includes four kindergartens operated by Kokorozashi Social Welfare Corporation, an affiliated organization of the Keishin Group.

According to the revision of the school curriculum guidelines, programming education has become compulsory in elementary schools from 2020. According to a web-based survey on programming education conducted in 2021 by Minna no Code (*2) among elementary and junior high school teachers, students, and their parents, 19.5% of parents of elementary school students were "aware" of the introduction of compulsory programming education at elementary and junior high schools, but "did not know much about the content" and "did not know about the content. While 19.5% "know" about the mandatory programming education, including the content, "do not know much about the content (60.3%)" and "do not know (20.2%)," indicating that more than 80% of them are not familiar with the situation.

On the other hand, more than 80% of parents were in favor of programming education, saying they were "in favor (26.5%)" or "somewhat in favor (54.4%)," and when asked "How important do you think it is to live well in the future compared to existing subjects (Japanese language, math, science, and social studies)?", "More important than existing subjects (10.6%)," " equally important (63.9%)" and "very much so (12.9%)" and "agree (40.0%)" about the necessity of learning them, indicating a very positive view of their necessity and importance.
(*2: "Programming Education Status Survey Report" by Minnano Code, a non-profit organization, December 2021)

The Kyoshin Group will experimentally introduce programming education at some of its preschools from 2019, and then as one of its educational programs, at all of the nursery schools, kindergartens, and certified children's schools it operates from 2020.

Unlike the programming commonly associated with personal computers, the unique early childhood programming education developed by the Kyoshin Group is a program that fosters "logical thinking skills" for thinking in a logical manner and "problem-finding and issue-discovery skills" for finding various solutions to problems and issues. This is a program to develop "logical thinking skills" to think in a logical manner and "problem-finding and issue-discovery skills" to find solutions to problems and issues. The program is designed to develop the ability of early childhood children to pursue the "Why? which is unique to young children, is nurtured not only through digital content but also through a hands-on curriculum that makes full use of all five senses.

This lecture will be held for parents of preschool children. In the first part of the lecture, we will introduce the content of programming education provided at all Kyoshin Group preschools, how the children are learning, and the results of the education. She will also talk about the latest findings. The second part of the seminar, titled "Reading Programming," will be given by Ms. Nanako Ishido, who will talk about how programming education develops children's abilities as well as the latest knowledge on the subject.

In order to help children realize their dreams and goals in the future, and to nurture their ability to spread their wings in the world, the Kyoshin Group will strive to provide a variety of fun and educational programs that will lead to new discoveries and learning for the adults who watch over the children.

Lecture Summary
■Date: Sunday, September 11, 2022, 10:30-12:00, web-based (using Zoom webinar)
■Content: Part 1: "Kyoshin's Hoikuen Original Programming Education" (30 minutes) 10:30-11:00
    Part 2: Dr. Nanako Ishido Lecture "Reading, Writing, Programming" (60 min.) 11:00-12:00

Lecturer: Nanako Ishido
(Representative Director and CEO of CANVAS Inc., Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NPO CANVAS, Representative Director of Digital Ehon Inc. and Professor at the Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University)

Speaker Profile
Graduated from Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School and the Department of Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, and completed a master's degree in Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. After working as a visiting researcher at the MIT Media Lab, he founded and became the president of the NPO CANVAS, Digital Ehon, Inc. and the Cho-Kyoiku Kyokai (Association for Cho-Kyoiku). Professor at Keio University. He is a member of many government ministries and agencies, including the Information and Communications Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, a member of NHK's Central Broadcasting Program Council, a board member of the Digital Textbook Materials Council, and a board member of the Digital Signage Consortium. He is the author of "Children's Creativity Switch! What is Programming Education? 45 Questions Parents Want to Know" and "Digital Education Declaration.

■ Target: Parents with children who are attending or have recently graduated from nursery schools and kindergartens
    Those who are interested in becoming a childcare worker or in children's programming education.
■Participation fee: Free of charge
■Application and details:

About Kyoshin's Hoikuen.
Kyoshin no Hoikuen," "Kyoshin no Yochien," and "Kyoshin no Kodomo En" operate licensed nursery schools, small-scale licensed nursery schools, premium preschools, Tokyo Metropolitan Government certified nursery schools, kindergartens, and certified childcare centers under the names "HOPPA" and "Bee Fair" nationwide. Currently, there are 74 "HOPPA" and 21 "B-Fair" preschools.

*We also provide information on Instagram

[Features of Kyoshin's Hoikuen Programming Education]

◎Completed during regular childcare hours
◎Proficiency development lessons (intellectual development time), English time, and creating a foundation for developing thinking skills through play
◎Original curriculum to foster "programming thinking" in a step-by-step manner

About Kyoshin Group
The Kyoshin Group's group vision is to "create a future where there are more wonderful adults. By providing childcare, education, career support, nursing care, and other services that are close to people throughout their lives, we aim to realize a world in which we create a future in which there are more "wonderful adults.

Kyoshin Corporation
Head Office: 382-1 Osakamachi, Gojo-sagaru, Karasuma-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8177, Japan
Established: April 1981
President and Representative Director: Kazuhiko Fukuzawa
Business activities: General education services (tutoring schools for infants through high school students, franchise business of tutoring schools, English conversation and Japanese language education), childcare, nursing care, food service business, career support
Number of employees: 2,115 (consolidated as of May 31, 2021)
Phone number: 075-365-1500 (main)
Home Page: