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SPATRE to open English-language school "ATOMICO" in August 2022

From the Editor

It is said that the next most important concern for children's career paths after childcare in a dual-income family is the first-grade wall. There is a lot of anticipation and anxiety about school life, but there are also various considerations about how to spend time after school. Some private school daycare centers offer language, athletic lessons, and STEAM education as options. Spatre, which offers online English training to schools as well as corporate municipalities, is opening an English-language school-age childcare center.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Marie Mukai), a provider of online English training, announces the opening of an English language school "atomico" in August 2022.


Since the launch of its online English conversation service in April 2019, SPATRE has developed a wide range of business for schools, companies, and government agencies, as well as for general customers. In particular, our service for schools, where online English conversation is used in school classes, has been used by 60,000 students at about 300 schools from Hokkaido to Okinawa in a few years, partly due to the influence of Corona, and we are number one in the industry in terms of the number of schools actively using our service. The reason for this rapid growth is that it is difficult to assign foreign ALTs (assistant language teachers) in depopulated areas with few children or in areas with poor transportation conditions, such as mountainous regions and remote islands, and online English conversation services are essential as an alternative. This shortage of human resources is not limited to rural areas. Even in urban areas, there is a shortage of foreign English language instructors due to the continuing impact of Corona and the weak yen, and this is becoming a serious problem not only for ALTs but also for private companies that operate English language schools and other services.

While seeking new business opportunities while feeling a strong online response to the shortage of foreign English instructors, we began to hear from an increasing number of working mothers and dual-income families with various child-rearing concerns. The average age of our employees is 28 years old, and 80% of our staff are women. We wanted to take advantage of our strengths and take on the challenge of creating a future where people can work as hard as they can while giving their full attention to child-rearing, and this is how we came up with the idea for ATOMICO.

SPATRE's strength is its ability to connect students with excellent foreign English language instructors from around the world. Because it is online, we are also able to connect students with people who are active "now" in the world and who are in the vortex of social themes such as the SDGs. In addition to providing English lessons that produce results based on the latest scientific findings, SpatLesson's strength lies in its extensive experience in teaching English in schools.

While we were developing the idea for ATOMICO this spring, we had an opportunity to rethink the goal of English language learning. According to a survey by the Nippon Foundation, children in Japan have fewer dreams and goals than children in other countries. While there is no single answer, we believe that the goal of English learning is not just to be able to speak English, but to challenge oneself to do something with English.

Atomico has decided to open its doors in the field of English language school children with the aspiration of nurturing "people who can continue to dream, have a personality they can be proud of, and play an active role in the world.

What is "ATOMICO" English language schoolchildren?

Atomico is not just a place to experience English.Learn and independently explore interests in EnglishSchool-age children. We provide various opportunities for students to thoroughly explore what they like and are interested in, to have dreams, and to think about how they can realize them. Classes are based on the "Individualized English Training," which was tested with Toppan Printing Co.

Official Web site:

atomico's Program

(1) 4 individualized online English training sessions per day

One 25-minute sessionFour different English language trainingsYou are free to participate in Trainers from around the world conduct the training online. The learning methods are tied to each of the following eight areas of child intelligence

(1) vision/space, (2) body/movement, (3) music, (4) interpersonal, (5) reflection, (6) logic/mathematics, (7) language, (8) nature/natural history

Children who are good at "music and rhythm" can learn English through "songs and rhythms," while children who are good at "logic and mathematics" can learn English through "numbers," and so on, even within the same study content.

In the demonstration experiment conducted last year,We have found that the learning rate is very high when learning is done in a way that fits the individual's personality.

(2) Effective learning methods based on Harvard personality diagnosis and second language acquisition theory

We analyze your child's intelligence using a personality diagnostic system developed by Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. based on the MI theory of Professor Howard Gardner of Harvard University. All English programs are supervised by Professor Yasuhiro Shirai of Case Western Reserve University, a leading expert in second language acquisition theory, in pursuit of learning results.

(3) A "program to explore interests in English"

In addition to daily individualized English training, there are two thematic English sessions per month.

0 Session 1 "The World and I
Each month a different country and social theme is set, and students learn about social themes from around the world in English from English speakers from around the world.

(Example 1) Canada - SDGs
The Global Environment What's Next?" Find out what is happening in Canada, where the SDGs are being implemented.
(Example 2) South Africa, Symbiosis
Thinking about the coexistence of animals and humans." Right next to the city is a safari. Let's learn about the concerns and efforts of animals and humans to live together.

0 Session 2 "The Dream and Me
Students will have an opportunity to confront their own dreams by listening to stories in English of Japanese people active in the world who have found what they "love" and made their dreams come true.

(Example 1) England, Music
Young Japanese musicians playing in famous European symphony orchestras will talk about their dreams and you can ask questions directly to them!

0 Presentation of results
Once a year, the students present the results of their dreams. Students explore their own interests, conduct their own research (listening, reading, and speaking), and present the results in English.

atomico's Educational Philosophy

The name "atomico" comes from the Greek word [atomikotita], which means "individuality.
Our mission is to nurture students to "continue to dream and to be active in the world by making the most of their individuality," and we practice education that thoroughly develops curiosity and inquisitiveness.

Service Overview

Target Grade: Elementary school students
Hours: Weekdays 14:00-19:00
      Saturdays and long vacations 8:00-19:00
      Extended hours until 21:30
Closed: Sundays, National holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays
Meals: Snacks available (meals provided for those who wish)


2F ACN Yotsuya 3-chome Building, 7-40 Funamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tokyo Metro Yotsuya-sanchome station 2 min. walk

Summer Vacation Event Information

  • summer camp
    Challenge your English during your summer vacation at this 3-day, all-day event!
  • 3-day trial admission
    Try learning at atomico after school on weekdays!
  • Information Session & Trial Session
    Get to know ATOMICO through hands-on events on Saturdays and Sundays with special offers!

Details will be provided in the installation.

About Us

Company name: Spatley Co.
Location: ATS Otemachi Building 5F, 1-4-10 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Marie Mukai, President
Established: May 22, 2018