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About 80% of respondents recall memories with their children "when looking back at photos and albums" (survey results by Ururu).

From the Editor

URURU Corporation, which operates Enphoto, a photo sales service for group daycare facilities, conducted a survey of women with children nationwide regarding their "memories with their children.

The top scene in which people reminisce about their memories with their children is when they look back at photos and albums, at around 80%. We are sure you have some of these memories in mind.
From there, the survey results lead to memories, such as whether you would like your child to experience something that is a good memory for you. Let's take a closer look at the details from the release issued by the company.

- The following is content from the press release -

High demand for photographs to preserve memories of children

(Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Tomoya Hoshi; hereinafter "Ururu") and Ururu's 100% subsidiary OurPhoto Co. (Tokyo, Japan; President: Ayumi Hirano), a subsidiary of OurPhoto, Inc.

As we enter December, many of you may be reflecting on the events of the past year. In this survey, we conducted a "Memories with Children" questionnaire to investigate scenes in which people reminisce about memories with their children and what they do to create memories with their children. The results showed that many people keep photos to create memories with their children, and that there is a high need to keep them close at hand.


  • Recalling memories of your children is a great way toWhen I look back at the photos and albums."was No. 1 (78.5%), far ahead of No. 2, "When looking back at videos" (47.3%). <Graph above: Survey Result 4
  • The top two things respondents do to preserve memories with their children are "taking pictures and videos with a camera" (62.0%) and "taking pictures and videos with a smartphone or cell phone" (61.51 TP6T).This was significantly higher than the third-place answer, "Have a professional photographer take my picture" (18.0%). <Result 5
  • Daily life" was the overwhelming result with 75.21 TP6T as the scene of taking pictures of children by themselves.The trend is to preserve memories of everyday life with children. The tendency is to preserve memories of even the most ordinary days with children. <Results 7-1
  • Data storage was the number one method of storing photos taken (75.81 TP6T).On the other hand, those who "develop/print photos" (47.0%) and "develop/print photos and save them in an album or other media" (39.0%) came in second and third, respectively, with those who "develop/print photos and save them in an album or other media" and "develop/print photos and save them in an album" (39.0%) coming in second and third.<Survey 8

results (of a study)

1. The No. 1 memory that left a good impression of their own childhood experience was a "family vacation" (55.01 TP6T), with more than half of the respondents ranking this as the most memorable. Next in second place was "birthdays" (46.5%), followed by "going back home to my parents' or other relatives' house" (40.0%)

Family vacations," which are often taken during summer vacation or long vacations, "going home to parents' families or other relatives," and annual events such as birthdays tend to leave a lasting impression.

2. 96.81% of the respondents wanted their children to experience the good memories they remember, a high 96.81 TP6T.

The total number of "agree" responses, which was the sum of "agree" (65.21 TP6T) and "somewhat agree" (31.61 TP6T), was 96.81 TP6T, indicating that an overwhelming majority of parents want their children to experience good memories that remain in their own memories.

3. The most memorable memory with children is "Birth" (67.8%). The next two most memorable memories are "family trip" (55.5%) and "birthday" (48.5%).

While "family trips" and "birthdays" were found to have a high tendency to be memorable good memories for both children and parents, "daily scenes" and "dropping off and picking up children at daycare/kindergarten" were higher than "memorable memories I experienced as a child," indicating that daily life with children is This indicates that daily life with children is perceived as an important memory for parents.

4. "When looking back at photos and albums" ranked first (78.51 TP6T) for reminiscing about memories with their children, while "When looking back at videos" ranked second (47.31 TP6T), far behind second place. 

When looking back on photos and albums" ranked first, far ahead of the others at 78.51 TP6T. It is evident that looking back on memories is highly demanded for photos and albums.

5. The No. 1 thing respondents do to preserve memories with their children is "take pictures and videos with a camera" (62.0%), followed by "take pictures and videos with a smartphone/mobile phone" at 61.51 TP6T, which is much higher than the third place "have a professional photographer take pictures" (18.0%).

Taking photos and videos with a camera (62.0%) and taking photos and videos with a smartphone/mobile phone (61.51 TP6T) were by far the most popular choices at No. 1 and No. 2, respectively.

6-1. the frequency of children's photos taken by themselves varied overall, but more than half (53.0%) took photos of themselves at least once a week

The first place was "almost every day" at 18.7%. The next two places were tied, with "about once a week" and "two to three days a week" coming in second.
Although there is an overall variation, the total of 53.01 TP6T, or more than half of the respondents, totaling at least one day per week, indicates that they take pictures of their children on a daily basis.

6-2. The No. 1 frequency of hiring a professional photographer for shooting was "about once a year" (34.71 TP6T), followed by "about once every six months" (20.81 TP6T). More than half of the respondents request a professional photographer to take pictures at least once every six months.

The first-place response of "about once a year" (34.7%) and the second-place response of "about once every six months" (20.8%) indicate that more than half (55.51 TP6T) of the respondents hire a professional photographer at least once every six months.

7-1. "Everyday life" was the overwhelmingly popular scene for taking pictures of children by themselves, at 75.21 TP6T. The tendency is to want to preserve memories of even casual, everyday life with their children.

After "daily life" (75.2%), which came in first, "birthdays and other anniversaries" at 64.3%, "family trips" at 57.3%, and "family outings" at 55.0%, with "daily life and events with family" accounting for more than half of the responses.
The result that "Everyday life" is No. 1 shows that people want to keep memories with their children even when they are not at events or other special occasions.

7-2. The No. 1 scene for which a professional photographer is hired to take pictures is "studio" (72.21 TP6T), followed by "shrine visit, Shichigosan and other events" at 47.2%, with "studio" at No. 1 far exceeding the No. 2 position.

Tend to take pictures of everyday and family events by themselves, and tend to hire a photographer for studio commemorative shots and traditional events such as Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three-Three)

8. data storage was the No. 1 method of storing photos taken (75.6%). On the other hand, the second and third most popular methods were developing/printing photos (47.0%) and storing photos in albums, etc. (39.0%), respectively, indicating a high percentage of respondents who develop/print their photos and keep them in albums, respectively.

While "Save as data on a smartphone, cell phone, PC, etc." was selected by nearly 80% of respondents at 75.6%, "Develop or print photos" was selected by 47.01 TP6T and "Develop or print photos and save in an album, etc." by 39.01 TP6T, indicating that many respondents want to keep their photos in a tangible form. These results indicate that there is a strong need to keep photos close at hand.

9. 58.8%, more than half of the respondents answered that they wished they had developed and printed photos as memories with their children. Reasons given were "lost memories due to data loss" and "good for taking time to look back on memories."

More than half of the respondents (58.81 TP6T) felt that they should have developed and printed their photos, with "I have thought about it fairly often" (36.81 TP6T) and "I have thought about it a lot" (20.01 TP6T).

The following responses were obtained as reasons for this.

  • Reasons for responses of those who answered "Have thought about it quite a bit" and "Have thought about it fairly a lot".
    Some respondents said that they wished they had developed and printed the film, because they had bitter experiences of not having developed and printed the film, such as, "The data would have been lost, so I wanted to keep it in a tangible form," and "The data was lost, so my memories were lost. Some respondents wished they had developed and printed the film.
    Some respondents also reasoned that it is easier to share memories by keeping them close at hand: "Developing the photos is good because you can spread them out and look at them together," "It is good for one or more people to look back on memories carefully," and "I think children will be happier if they have an album when they grow up.
  • Reasons for the answers of those who answered "Never thought much about it" and "Never thought about it at all.
    Some respondents answered that they had already developed, printed, and saved their photos in albums, such as "I usually print photos regularly and put them in albums" and "I print and save my photos every month.
    On the other hand, there were also reasons such as "it's bulky" and "it's a hassle," because the number of memories is too large to keep up with developing and printing, and even if they are developed, they are bulky and there is no place to store them.


This survey revealed that memories with children are important to parents not only for events and special occasions, but also for any occasion, such as daily drop-offs and pick-ups, and everyday life. Many respondents said that they reminisce about memories with their children when they look back at photos and albums, indicating that there is a high need for parents to "keep photos" to create memories with their children, and that many parents look back on their memories by developing and printing them in albums to make them more multilayered. We also found that many people look back on their memories in a more multilayered way by developing and printing albums.

Comments from Mr. Hidetsugu Tanaka, Managing Director, Enphoto Division, Ururu Inc.

The fact that "daily scenes" was ranked third among the most impressive memories for parents indicates that every moment is an irreplaceable and precious memory for them. As a service provider, we felt again that we would like to aim for a service that can deliver all kinds of memories easily and in greater numbers.
It also shows why the "demand for developing" photos continues to remain, despite the fact that photography has become much more accessible than before with the advent of smartphones and digital cameras. This is why we felt that keeping precious memories in a form that can be held in one's hands and viewed is still an excellent way to enjoy memories.
Enphoto" will continue to enhance its services to capture as many smiling faces of children as possible and to support families in creating memories through photos with their children.

Comment from Ayumu Hirano, Representative Director of OurPhoto Co.

We felt once again that photographs are treasures that allow us to reminisce about our precious memories with our children. The survey results show that people take photos with their cameras or smartphones almost every day, from daily life to travel and important anniversaries, but at the same time, we strongly feel regret for not having printed photos. We hope that you will print your photo data and keep it as a tangible treasure for the future.
It was also very interesting to see that most of the requests for professional photographers came from the "studio" setting. OurPhoto" is a photography service that is not limited to events, but also includes the experience of taking pictures of ordinary things in daily life. We hope that "OurPhoto" will be used to create memories with family members in the future.

Survey Summary

Surveyed: Nationwide / Female / 20-59 years old
Survey conditions: Married /With children
Survey period: November 12, 2021 - November 14, 2021
Sample size: 400 persons
Survey method: Internet survey

What is Enphoto?

Bringing more happy memories to families around the world."
Enphoto is an online photo sales service for kindergartens, nursery schools, and parents that offers complete photo display, sales, purchase, and payment services on the web.

●Photos of the park can be selected and purchased on the web
The park uploads the photos taken and sends an email to all parents at once notifying them of the photo release. Parents select photos on the web, place an order, and receive the photos within 5 business days. The preschool only uploads the photos to the website, so there is no need to print or post the photos.

Find your child quickly! Face Recognition Function
The face recognition function allows parents to easily pick up photos of their own children. Authenticated photos can be displayed in priority order, eliminating the need to search for photos.

If you don't have a photographer, don't worry! Enphoto provides photographer dispatch service to preschools.
We can arrange a photographer for the preschool. The photographer will be dispatched to the school, and the school will not be responsible for the photographer's cost. (*The cost of dispatching a photographer is included in the En-Photo sales price as a professional photography fee.)

For inquiries regarding Enphoto, please contact
URURU Corporation Contact: Tanaka

What is OurPhoto?

OurPhoto" is a matching service that connects individuals who want their photos taken with photographers who want to take photos of them. In addition to formal photo shoots such as Shichi-Go-San, shrine visits, and weddings, OurPhoto is also used for more casual occasions such as family portraits, profile shots, and commemorative photos with friends.

Low price from 8,800 yen for authentic photos
OurPhoto is a matching site that allows users to directly commission photographers without a storefront. We offer reasonable prices and provide photography for a wide range of occasions from anniversaries to everyday life.

●This is a business trip shooting, so it's a good way to prevent coronary infection.
Unlike studio shoots, on-site shoots provide a less dense style of photography. Photographers also take infection control measures before shooting, so you can rest assured that you are in good hands.

Booking in 1 minute with your smartphone
Web-only procedures and payments are completed in about one minute. It is speedy and easy to take pictures in the vicinity.

■OurPhoto Corporation Overview (Japanese only)

OurPhoto, Inc. operates OurPhoto, a business trip photography matching site, with the aim of creating a new photography culture that accompanies all scenes of life.

Date of establishment: June 25, 2015
Location: Koshin Daiichi Bldg. 5F, 13-14 Uchikanda 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Ayumu Hirano

For inquiries about OurPhoto, please contact

OurPhoto K.K. Contact: Hirano

Outline of the URURU Group] URURU Co.

Established: August 31, 2001
Location: KDX Harumi Building 9F, 3-12-1 Harumi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Tomoya Hoshi
Business Description:
CGS (Crowd Generated Service) business *CGS business is a SaaS service that utilizes crowd workers.
fondesk business (telephone answering service specializing in incoming calls)
NJSS business (operation of bid information bulletin service)
En-en photo business (photo sales system for kindergartens and nursery schools)
OurPhoto business (on-site photography matching service) *Operated by OurPhoto Co.
◆Crowdsourcing Business
Operation of "Shufty" and provision of work-at-home programs for municipal single-parent support programs, etc.
◆BPO business *Operated by Ururu BPO Inc.
BPO business (comprehensive outsourcing business)