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Ear thermometers "degree°" make it easier to measure body temperature

Is "degree°," an ear thermometer that can continuously measure temperatures for five days, a godsend for childcare moms and dads?than

This product can be worn in the ear to continuously measure body temperature and does not cause stress to the child. It also has the advantage of non-contact and accurate (error margin of ±0.1°C) body temperature measurement through the ear canal. The main unit measures 4 cm in width and 4 cm in height, and weighs only 5.4 grams. The product is said to be able to continue measuring for more than 5 days from a fully charged state, and a charging pod is included with the product.

Here is a look at the prototype.

One of the advantages of the earpiece type is that you can take body temperature without waking the child at night when he or she is sleeping, and there is little margin for error. Also, if the device is paired via Bluetooth, the temperature status is regularly pushed to the smartphone app, which logs them and alerts you even if you don't keep an eye on them all the time. The ability to continuously measure body temperature will likely have an impact on the effectiveness of the exercise measurement as well as the baby's physical condition.

You can get one for an investment of 99 euros (about 13,000), or two if you pay double. Shipping costs are not included, though. The product is expected to ship around February 2018.

degree - continuous in-ear thermometer for kids | Indiegogo